Fili ~ Gold 2

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The surprise Fili got when you turned up on Bard's doorstep almost floors him. You had politely knocked, something the nervous children were hesitant to answer.

But there you were, in light armour trimmed with gold,two blades on your belt and a bow on your back.

You smile when you see him and Fili was not sure how to react.

"Sorry to barge in but I thought you could use a hand." You say quietly entering the house, your gaze moving to Kili.

"Can you help my brother?" He asks without thinking.

You move over to Kili, who was pale, clammy and in a lot of pain. The wound on his leg was infected and clearly killing him, you could feel his struggle and your face turns grim.

"I will do what I can." You say softly, your fingers gently untying the bandage around his leg. "What herbs do you have?"

"Nothing right for this type of wound." Oin says, looking at you with wonder.

"Hmmm," Your hands touch around the wound and Kili screams causing you to move your hand away quickly. "I'm going to need your help to hold him, this is not going to be-"

That was when the orcs attacked, bursting through the roof. The children screamed as one leapt, but there was a flash of silver and the first orcs head landed on the floor. You held you sword steady, black blood dripping from the blade, you had just enough time to register Fili stunned expression before the rest were on you.

In such a closed space, the fight was tight and fast, your two knives joined by Fili's and what ever the other dwarves could find,but you weren't alone.

Tauriel was there first, joining the fight as more burst through the door, Legolas following close behind. Neither were able to reach you as an orc grabbed your arm from behind, but neither had to be as Fili leapt on the orc, his knife burying into its throat.

It was over as quickly as it had begun.

"Tauriel. Y/N. Let's go." Legolas ordered, following the remaining orcs out.

You had no intention of following your brother, your attention returning to Kili who had been knocked to the ground in the fight. Tauriel's attention was also on Kili so you caught her gaze.

"I need your help."

She bites her lip, looking back out the door, only to come face to face with Bofur who was holding a bunch of flowers.

It didn't take long for you and Tauriel to work the Athelas, and she covered the wound while you focus on bringing down his fever. You spoke in unison while the others helped hold Kili down.

They could all feel the magic between you.

It seemed to all settle, you and Tauriel sharing a worried glance, but Kili's fever dropped and his body relaxed. Tauriel lets out a sigh of relief and starts to clean and properly bandage the wound.

You went and sat, not used to using such magic. The dwarves were whispering to each other, but Fili's eye met yours and you smile warmly at him.

He hesitates buts comes and joins you. "Thankyou." He says quietly. "I'm almost my brother would've died had you not turned up."

"I wanted to help." You clean the blood of your fingers slowly, taking care to get every last bit.

"Will your brother be alright?"

"Legolas will be fine, he knows what he is doing." You lick your lips and taste blood, with a frown, you raise your fingers and pull away blood.

Fili watches and wasn't surprised by the slightly stunned look on your face.

"Here." He says gently, taking the cloth from your hand and then dipping into the water nearby before gently dabbing at the small cut on your lip. "You must have just got caught, nothing serious."

You watch him, his eyes and fingers not leaving your lips until he feels your gaze on his face. He glances up, his cheeks flushing red as he steps away.

"Sorry my lady, I did not mean to-"

"It is alright Fili." You take his hand without thinking. "I know you meant no harm."

"It's just that you are very beautiful." He said it quickly, his cheeks going an even darker red.

You smile at him and go to say something when a loud rumble gets everyone's attention.

"Smaug." Bofur breathes, looking terrified.

"We need to get out of here." You say, standing and looking to the eldest. "Is there a boat we can use?"

You stood on the bank watching the people of Laketown. You were unaccustomed to seeing such sorrow and grief.

"I must stay and help them." You say to the footsteps approaching.

"I know." Fili answers quietly. "Will you be alright my lady?"

You smile down at him, warm but sad. "Of course Fili, at least until my father turns up, because I can guarantee he will."

He nods and goes to turn away when you take his hand. He looks up surprised to find you nervous.

" know as well as I do that what is coming, will not be pleasant, and we both may be forced to make a choice that we do not want to." You pause for a moment, seeing Kili and Tauriel out of the corner of your eye. "I want you to be careful."

"I will be." He says giving your hand a gentle squeeze.

"I want you to take this," You take a gold ring from your finger, a sapphire set in the center, and place it in his hand. " case something happens. It was my mothers ring."

"Y/N," He looks at you with wide eyes. "You cannot-"

"Please Fili." You close his hand around it. "Take it."

He takes in your serious expression and slowly he nods, closing his hand tighter around the ring.

"Fili! Kili! We need to go!" Bofur calls from the boat that they were trying to pus into the water.

Fili looks at you and you nod. He unties a cord from his wrist and slips the ring on it before tying it around his neck. He stops at the boat to look back at you and you hold a hand over your heart with a slight bow, something he returns.

Legolas approaches you as the dwarves pull away. "You need to go home Y/N. Father is worried."

"He can wait." You say calmly. "For now, these people need my help first." You look at him and he is watching you, concerned. "You do what you have to Legolas, I will be alright."

He lets out a slow breath, frowning. "Alright, but be careful. Tauriel and I are going after those orcs."

"Take care Legolas." You stride off without another word to help the people, eventually coming across Bard and the two of you organise for the people to move to Dale.

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