Thorin ~ Loyalty

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This is based on an imagine found here:

It had been four years since you'd found the little wolf pup, four years since you had take him home and nursed the poor little thing back to health.

You thought you'd be able to release him back into the wild, that he would happily go, instead, he just sat at your feet and looked up at you expectantly.

You weren't about to admit it to anyone, but your heart had melted.

So, Blue, as you now called him, had become your best friend. The black wolf with flecks of white and bright blue eyes never left your side.

And so it was only natural that he joined you on the quest.

The others weren't overly keen on Blue, many complaining that he was still a wild animal, even after you explained he had been with you for four years.

But Blue didn't seem to care, just sticking by your side and seeming to be content. The first two to warm to him were Fili and Kili, who were more than impressed by the wolf, especially when one night he decided it was time for a belly rub.

He'd rubbed up against you and you had smiled, patting his head, and this in turn, made him drop and roll over, exposing his belly.

You laughed, as he always made you did, and began enthusiastically rubbing his belly. The others were all watching, stunned as such a behaviour from a wolf.

Fili and Kili approached asking if they could pat him.

"Well, you can." You said grinning. "But you just may not get rid of him."

Blue's tail wagged at all the extra attention and Fili and Kili found themselves with identical grins.

You could tell that it wasn't just the brothers affected though, as the others soon were asking different questions.

"Where on earth did you find him?"

"Just in the forest one day, I'd say his parents had been killed."

"How did you get him to follow you?"

"It wasn't hard, the poor thing was starving and I'd just made a fresh kill."

"And he stuck with you?"


The questions continued, the dwarves both fascinated with the story of Blue and that this is what got you talking, you were normally so quiet.

Blue ultimately sealed the dwarves trust when he warned them all of orcs attacking the camp, and then helped fight them.

You stayed up with Blue for the next few nights, taking watch, and it was on the third night that you noticed a different set of blue eyes watching you.

You looked up at Thorin, who had joined you in watch tonight.

"Everything alright?"

Your question surprised him, as normally you were happy just to sit and listen, never initiating conversation.

"Of course." He said. "Why would it not be?"

"I don't know, but you look very worried sitting there, staring at me."

Thorin broke his gaze away. "No, it fine."

Blue, who had disappeared into the forest, returned and nuzzled against you.

Thorin watched the wolf. "He is very loyal to you."

You scratched Blue's chin and his eyes closed. "Well, I have raised him."

"I take it you prefer his company?"

You looked at Thorin, who wouldn't meet your eye. "Sometimes. People can be...hard to deal with. Blue is not. I may miss conversation from time to time, but Blue keeps me entertained, he knows when I need something."

"He can sense it?"

You nod, Blue now looking at Thorin. "Blue can sense a lot of things like that."

Blue gives a small huff, kissing the side of your face, and then, surprising both you and Thorin, walks over to Thorin.

Thorin freezes at Blue approaches him, after all, they hadn't had a good start. Blue had stood protectively in front of you when Thorin had gotten angry about you joining the quest, but Blue offered no threat to him now.

Instead, he got close to Thorin, looking him in the eye and then dropping to the ground and rolling onto his back.

You both stared at the wolf.

You suddenly laugh, surprising Thorin. "Oh the little suck up, he knows you are jealous."

Thorin frowns. "I'm not-" But you gave him a knowing look and he shut his mouth. "Was it that obvious?"

You just grin and nod at Blue. "He's going to stay like that until you do something."

Thorin looks back at the wolf, and sure enough, he was still on his back waiting.

Slowly, he brings his hand forward and brushes his fingers through Blue's fur.

You smile, watching the King relax as he rubbed Blue's stomach, Blue looking more than complacent.

"You're the first he's approached, you know." You say quietly. "All the others have come to him."

"I still have a feeling that that would mean little should I threaten his master." He glances up at you.

But you were still smiling. "I am not his master Thorin, he would not be so loyal if I was. I am his friend, as he is mine."

Thorin looks thoughtful as he continues to pat Blue, scratching his chin as he had seen you do many times.

"You are lucky to have such a loyal friend."

Now it was her turn to be surprised. "Oh? Do you not have twelve loyal friends here?"

Thorin's face grew sad. "I am a King, I do not have friends."

But you shook your head. "I disagree."


"I disagree." Thorin stared at you, perplexed. "I believe it is the same concept as Blue, if you were just a King to them, they would not follow, that is why the others would not come. But you are more than that, that is why they are following you. They will follow you to the end, should it lead to that."

Thorin looked at you, as if seeing you in a new light. "For someone that doesn't spend a lot of time around others, you are very observant."

"I have to be." You say, stretching out, which got Blue's attention. "It is how I-we both survive."

Blue jumped up and walked over, leaving Thorin be, and lay down over your legs. He was technically too big to be doing such a thing, but you didn't mind, his head resting on your stomach as you stroke his fur.

Thorin smiled, which surprised you as it was a rare occurrence, and you felt your heart melt again, for the second time in your life.

"You are very lucky y/n," He said warmly. "To have that bond, it is truly special."

You smile at him. "I'm sure you will have something like that one day."

He gives a soft laugh. "Maybe."

You fall into comfortable silence, the night settling. The only thing to eventually break the silence, were soft snores from Blue, still stretched out over you.

"Get some sleep," Thorin said softly. "I can take watch for the rest of the night."

"Thank you." It was going to be difficult to sleep with Blue on top of you, but it was nothing you hadn't done before. "Blue will be up in a flash if anything happens."

"He's listening?"


Blue's ears twitched, and with final smiles at each other, you lay down and let sleep take you, knowing that you would be well protected this night and any night following.

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