Legolas ~ Friends

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"Tauriel, just tell him."

"You make it sound easy."

"Why shouldn't it be?"

"'s just not, okay?  When you are in love, you will understand."

But you did understand.  "Tauriel, I am not blind to it."

"Please Y/N, just leave it."

You sigh, this wasn't how you had wanted this conversation to go.  You were hoping to make Tauriel reveal her true feelings to Legolas, but apparently she had other ideas.

"Sister...I know you care deeply for me, but this is something that cannot just come out into the open and expect it all to be okay."  Tauriel winced.  "You need to remember who his father is."

Like you didn't know.  Your king seemed to be the only one who was acutely aware of your emotions towards the prince, even your sister was blind to it, and Thranduil had already warned you against the pursuit.

Like it could change your emotions though.

So, instead, you focused on trying to get Tauriel with him, after all, King Thranduil had not warned you against that.

"Like you are one to care about what the King thinks," You whine.  "Go on Tauriel, you know that Legolas admires you."

Saying out loud hurt more than you thought it.  Even with the Kings warning in your mind, you were still aware that Legolas approved more Tauriel than you.

Tauriel clasps your shoulders.  "You will understand one day."

You roll your eyes, there was only three years between the two of you, but she acted as if there was centuries.

"Now, I need to go on patrol, are you going to be alright?"

"Tauriel, I am in the guard too remember?  I can take care of myself."

She gives a strained smile.  "I know, but it doesn't mean I cannot worry.  Besides, you have prison cell duty, shouldn't be too hard?"

You sigh, but knew she gave you thay position to protect you.

With a final hug goodbye, she bounces off, leaving you to get ready on your own.

Why prison cell duty was necessary, you really didn't know, and you boredly leant against the wall.


You jumped as you found Legolas walking towards you.

You bow.  "My Lord."

He frowns slightly, pausing.  "You know you don't have use my title Y/N."  He shakes his head when you don't respond.  "Prepare the cells, we have some prisoners coming in."

The prisoners turned out to be a very rowdy and angry bunch of dwarves.

"Keep a close eye on them."  Legolas said.  "We don't know what they are capable of."

You watch as the dwarves keep yelling at those that brought them in with raised eyebrows.  "Where on earth did you find them all?"

"Travelling through the forest, they'd stumbled across the nest of spiders."  Legolas said and then both their gazes went to Tauriel, who was letting one of the younger dwarves into a cell.  They couldn't hear what they said to each other, but there was something different about the way they talked.

Legolas frowned.  "Will you be alright on watch tonight?"

You nod.  "Of course.  They can't be too hard to handle."

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