Thorin ~ Accidents 4

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Over the coming days, the dwarves slowly got used to the idea that Louisa had a healing ability, but they definitely weren't happy with the discovery of what Gandalf was teaching her next.

"Fire is the next easiest to learn."  He simply replied to their discomfort.  "After learning about light, it is easiest to manage and take on."

But the dwarves weren't the only ones uncomfortable with the idea, Louisa herself was clearly unsure about the idea of being able to use fire at her fingertips, and she kept telling Gandalf so, except it appeared he didn't want to listen.

"You need to know something, and fire is the best to learn."  He kept saying.

The other thing that was being brought up now, thanks to Fili, was her learning to use a sword.  It had taken a little while, but eventually they all agreed that it would be best for her to learn, and she didn't like this idea either.

Louisa had watched the dwarves train and all it made her do was think about everything that could go wrong.  The first time that Fili approached her about it, she very quickly said no.

"Why not?"

Her cheek flushed.  "Well...I don't need to."

Fili looked at her a little confused.  "Don't need to?  Louisa we are going to be going into danger very soon-"

But Louisa was shaking her head.  "I'll be fine, I swear."

None of them were convinced, so it became almost a constant thing amongst the dwarves (who had taken bets) on how long it would take for her to give in and take the lessons and on who would make her give in.

So, with all the sudden extra attention, Louisa took it upon herself to quickly go walking whenever camp was set up.  She did this both to get away and to clear her head, her frustration growing the more that they nagged her.

Louisa kicked a stone as she walked, making sure that the noises of camp stayed within ear shot.  She tried to make sure that no one noticed she walked away, they usually didn't, but following footsteps today told her otherwise.

Fili appeared and smiled warmly at her, one she tried to return but was only really half hearted, causing his grin to falter.

"What's wrong?"  He asked, striding over, looking worried.

"I just wanted to be alone."  Louisa grumbled.  "Honestly, I'm getting so much attention its unbearable."

Fili tilted his head.  "Attention?  You mean everyone trying to get you to learn to fight?"

She huffs and continues walking.  "Yes.  I don't understand it considering no one is comfortable with me learning about fire either, it just doesn't make any sense.  I don't want to be the center of attention, and to be honest, I'm surprised Gandalf is allowing it."

Fili matches her stride easily.  "Why are you so worried?  We are all well trained, we know what we are talking about."

Louisa grumbles something unintelligible under her breath.  "Look Fili, it's not a matter of that.  I just...I don't see it as a necessity."

He stops her, resting his hand an on her arm.  "You don't have to worry about making an idiot out of yourself you know."

She tugs her arm free.  "I'm not."

"Really?"  He asked with some amusement.

"Truly."  Louisa then folds her arms.  "Why did you come after me anyway?"

"We are friends are we not?"

"Yes, but-"

"Then I am simply seeing what is wrong."

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