Kili ~ Charge

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"Yes father?"

"If I let you do this, you need to promise me something."

"Of course."

"You need to promise me you will be careful, that you will follow my orders, or Thorin's, when given."

"You know I will."

Dwalin sighs, rubbing his neck, and looking worriedly at the young female dwarf in front of him. "Well...your mother would kill me if she knew I was letting you do this, but...well, I wouldn't feel right leaving you here on your own."

Emilyssia smiles and hugs him tightly. "Thank you Pa. You know you don't have to worry about me."

He looks a little uncomfortable, but returns the hug. "I should hope not, not after what your mother and I have taught you."

"Ma would be proud." She said against him.

"Aye, she would." Dwalin replied and pushed her gently away. "We will be leaving in a few days. Will you be ready?"

"Aye." She beams at him.

He nods. "Good. Make sure all your weapons are sharp too, can't have you-"


Dwalin nods as she continues to smile. "Right. Of course. Sorry."

She shakes her head, still smiling. Dwalin was a good father but he struggled at times to get out of the warrior, all protective mode.

The fact he had said yes to her joining the quest to Erebor was definitely a surprise.

The truth was, she was already packed and ready to go. If he'd said no, she was going to follow anyway.

She was stubborn like that.

A few days later, they left Ered Luin together, father and daughter, the Company deciding it would be safer to travel separately for a time, and Emilyssia had never felt prouder than to be traveling with him.


She'd been nagging for years to go on the road, her arguments always bringing up that she was around the same age as Fili and Kili, who always got to go.

Dwalin always argued back that she was meant to be a lady and not meant for such things.

"I may be a lady but you raised a warrior." Which was true, Dwalin and her mother had agreed not long after she was born, that she would not go about defenceless.

After a week or so of traveling, Gandalf came across them, passing on where they were to meet.

Neither of them really knew what to think of the Shire.

"It just seems so..."


"Aye." Dwalin nods and clearly looks uncomfortable. "Let's hope we're not here long."

The meeting place ended up being one of the hobbit homes, Gandalf's mark on the door.

And it quickly became clear that poor Bilbo hadn't been expecting them.

Emilyssia shook her head as Dwalin ate the hobbits meal. Sometimes, his manners really were lacking.

The knock on the door brought Balin into the room.

"Uncle Balin." Emilyssia brought him into a tight hug after he'd greeted Dwalin.

Balin returns the hug with a laugh. "Traveling with your father wasn't too difficult was it?"

She rolls her eyes with a grin. "No more than usual."

It was a little while later, the doorbell went again.

Emilyssia beams as Fili and Kili walk through the door.

They both laugh when they see her.

"So the old man finally lets you do something exciting for a change?" Fili asked, winking at Dwalin who shot him a scowl.

"He finally got sick of me asking I think." She laughs.

"Or us asking." Kili said, smiling warmly at her. "We both knew you were more than capable."

"I would hope so considering how much he taught me." She laughs again and Kili's cheeks turn a little red.

The three of them were then forced to help set up for dinner, they knew the others would be close and had a lot to move around in Bilbo's home.

The others arrived and then it became like an organised chaos. Everyone was moving food and furniture but none of the same, everyone seemed to know what the others were doing.

Finally, they sat and started to eat, starting, as most dwarven meals did, with a quick drink.

Emilyssia was an equal match to most of them, slamming hers down only seconds after Dwalin.

"You're getting too good at that lass." Dwalin mutters to her.

She grins. "Well, you shouldn't have let me watch you drink so much."

This earned a round of laughter from the others, even as Dwalin rolls his eyes.

"You get more like your mother each day."

"Oh good, so I'll eventually out drink you."

"She never out drunk me."

"So you say."

This earned another round of laughter and a few agreeances with her.

Dwalin waves his hand. "She never beat me, I don't care what you say, and this one still has a long way to go."

"You keep telling yourself that Pa." Emilyssia smirks and then winks down at Fili and Kili. "I can already out drink them."

The brothers instantly deny it, but that was quickly cut down by several witnesses that had seen their last drinking match.

Dwalin roared with laughter. "Not so good being on the other end of it, is it lads?"

"Well, she might have the drinking down, but that doesn't mean she's got the sword work." Fili said loudly.

This set the table a little quieter.

But Emilyssia just shrugs. "No, instead I have the axe work."

The first to laugh was Kili, as Fili looked a little stunned at her comment, and then the others joined in, especially Dwalin, who clapped her hard on the shoulder.

"You tell him Emilyssia." He chuckled.

The rest of the meal was spent talking and laughing, occasionally another round of who could outdo who came up, but it was mostly just talk in general.

Then the cleaning up began.

Fili, Kili and Emilyssia started the song, as well as the throwing of the plates.

They also laughed the loudest until the knock on the door came.

Emilyssia was quick to stand with Dwalin as Thorin Oakenshield stepped inside. She never said anything to Dwalin, but for some reason the king always made her feel uncomfortable.

Sure enough, his gaze found her and he gives a momentary distrustful look, before turning away.

She made sure she sat well away when they were all seated again, joining Fili and Kili down the back.

"Seriously, don't worry about Uncle." Kili mutters to her. "He is just like that sometimes."

"Well it seems to be all the time with me." She whispers back.

"It's nothing to do with you personally, it's just-" He was cut off by a sharp kick from Fili, and the two stare at each other for a moment. "Don't worry about it Emilyssia."

She frowns and goes to say something but Fili cuts her off.

"Don't you two think you should be listening?"

They fell silent and listened to the plans of the journey ahead.

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