Dwalin ~ Adorable 3

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I used to think I was frustrated at Dwalin before, but now I knew that that was just irritation.

This was frustrating.

I hadn't understood at first, the kiss having completely taken me off guard, and a part of me still didn't understand.

I knew he loved me, I wasn't that daft. What I didn't understand was my own reaction.

I had returned the kiss but it had been something I had never really thought about before, or, I had, just not with Dwalin.

By the time we had gotten to Beorn's house, I still realised I had his coat with a somewhat sense of apprehension. Thorin had questioned me on it, but I had shrugged it off, saying he hadn't asked for it back.

We hadn't talked since it had happened either. Dwalin was still my defender but anything I said was met by silence and the others were starting to notice.

"Did you say something to him?" Fili asked, frowning after Dwalin yet again ignored me.

I huffed. "Not exactly."

The two share a look.

I wave my hand at them. "Don't worry, just let me deal with it. He's just...upset I guess."

"Dwalin? Upset?" Kili asked a little disbelievingly. "He's always upset Diena. What's going on?"

There was no way I was telling them, but I felt heat creep into my cheeks as I thought about what their reactions would be if I did. "Seriously, don't worry about it."

But they'd seen the blush on my cheeks and it wasn't until later that I found out they talked to Thorin.

He approached as I was putting my armour back on, having done a couple of repairs on the strapping, the time at Beorn's had been good for that.

"Is everything alright Diena?"

I smiled at him. "Of course, just fixing my armour."

He frowns. "That's not what I meant."

"Well, you're going to have to be a little clearer then." I looked at him confused. "Because I have no idea what you are talking about."

Thorin stared at me, working out whether or not I telling the truth at that point, which I was then, I'd purposefully set about repairing my armour to not think about what had happened.

He sighs. "Fili and Kili said you were upset."

"Oh." I thought quickly. "Dwalin is just irritated at me, that's all."

His frown deepens. "Dwalin is always irritated with you."

I bit my lip and saw the coat. "I wouldn't return his coat."

He stares at me. "That is why he isn't talking to you?"

"Yes..." I didn't want to lie, but I didn't exactly want to tell him what had happened, that wouldn't have ended well for either of us.

"So why not just return the damned coat?" Thorin asked. "Why am I being dragged into an argument about a coat?"

"Well, there is more to it..." I mumble. "Look, I told them not to get involved. I am quite capable of handling it."

"I would have thought so over a coat." He said. "Are you sure you're alright?"

I nod, a little too enthusiastically. "Perfect. I'll get it sorted."

Thorin didn't look convinced.

Furious, I stormed over to Fili and Kili. "Alright you two, that was completely uncalled for."

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