Faramir ~ Run

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You watched the brothers share a laugh, both relieved that the battle was finally over and that they had made it through with few casualties, including each other.

Then you watched their faces drop as their father approached.

Anger bubbled up and your hand rested on the sword at your hip as Boromir also tried to share the joy with Faramir from their father, but as usual, the man had little time for the younger son.

"If it wasn't for Faramir, we wouldn't have lost in the first place." Denethor said coldly and your teeth grit together.

"If Faramir had been given more men as I suggested then he would have had the resources to keep it." You said coldly, causing Denethor's glare to turn to you and the brothers share a worried look at the other.

"I didn't realise that this conversation involved you." He said darkly, his gaze wandering to your hand on your sword. "Nor did I realise that you would threaten your king."

"You are not my king." You snapped. "And I am not threatening. I always stand on guard."

Denethor's eyes flashed and the brother's step in.

"Father, come, I'm sure the men wish to celebrate with you." Boromir said, crossing his line of sight to break it from you.

Faramir stepped in next to you, taking your arm beneath your elbow. "We will take watch, shall we?"

Denethor glares between the two of you. "Don't mess that up to."

Faramir has to practically drag you away as you go to once again snap at Denethor.

Faramir faces you once you are more than far enough away.

"What are you doing?" He asked, frowning at you.

You fold your arms. "Defending you."

He lets outs a slow breath. "Look Y/N, as much as I appreciate it, I do not want you in trouble with my father too. You know enough to know how nasty he can get, and as for threatening him lik that-"

"I did not threaten him." You snap. "Although it would be nice to take him down a peg or two."

"Don't talk like that." He said sharply. "He might'nt be king but he is still in charge and still had rule over you."

"No one has rule over me." You said darkly, folding your arms. "No matter who thinks so."

He observes you and sighs. "I do not think so and I would never assume such a thing. You know that."

Your shoulders sink slightly as you let go of a little of the tension in your body. "I am sorry Faramir. I just...I get so defensive. It isn't fair the way he treats you."

Faramir shrugs as if it does not bother him. "It has always been so."

"Faramir..." You frowned now. "You cannot always pretend-"

"I do not pretend." He cut in. "I just know there is little that can be said or done to change his mind." He shrugs. "How else do you expect me to act?"

You sigh. "I do not know. I do not mean for you to be upset Faramir, I just..." You stop, staring at him with a concerned gaze. "I am concerned he will find out."

"I know." He said and stepped closer, wrapping his arms around you. "As am I, but always being snappy at him is not going to help that."

"The man is infuriating."

Faramir chuckles. "I know."

You wrap yours arms around is neck and place a light kiss on his lips. "And you want me to deal with him? However am I going to manage that?"

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