Thorin ~ Anger

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This one is a request but I also decided to base it losely on an imagine found here:

The nervous air amongst the dwarves was palpable and this was just succeeding in making Andromeda angrier.

Pacing like a caged animal, she kept arguing with herself over what to do.  Her normal voice of reason was lost to her, the comforting hand on her shoulder no more, instead, a cold emptiness had replaced it.

Thorin was sick.

Like the others, she'd been able to cope at first, but as the days wore on and Thorin got worse, her patience had worn very thin.

And they all knew that she had little of that.

She had roared out insults to the trolls, scalded Gandalf for leaving them, abused many of the elves at Rivendell and practically gotten into a fist fight with Beorn in his bear form, and none of them were ever going to forget the very rude gestures she threw out to the Elven King, after all, it did have them in stitches.

But even through all that, a word or touch from Thorin was all it took to deflate that angry bubble.

Now, that was all directed at him.

She didn't like it, being so angry at him, it made her angry at herself.  While the two of them had never said anything to each other, over the course of the quest the two of them had developed a certain companionship that went beyond friendship.

The others knew that and now turned to her for help.

"There must be something you can do lass."  Balin said to her, several of them having gathered to discuss Thorin's worsening condition.

Andromeda shook her head.  "Like what Balin?  All I would do right now is punch him."

"A swift hit might do him good." Dwalin said gruffly.

Balin frowns.  "Or it could definitely make him worse.  Andromeda, you and Thorin were close, you alone can break through to him."

She frowns, folding her arms.  Thorin hadn't argued on her joining the quest, despite her mixed lineage of elf and dwarf, but it had taken him time to warm to her and her to him, now it seemed, the others were expecting miracles.

"Look, I am no better off than the rest of you."  She growls.  "I can guarantee that if I go in there, alone, I will fight with him."

They all knew that but they weren't game enough to say that that was probably what Thorin needed most.

The woman he loved to tell him he was being an ass.

Now Andromeda had another thing to be angry about as they pushed her in front of the throne room doors and practically ran back.

She refrained from clenching her hands but she felt her teeth grinding together.

Knowing the others wouldn't let her back until she had at least tried, she shoved open the doors and marched in.

Thorin sat on his throne and looked up with glazed over eyes as she approached.

"Andromeda."  He said after a moment.  "To what do I owe this visit?"

Andromeda bit back every retort that wanted to come tumbling from her mouth.  "I wanted to speak with you."

Thorin waves a disinterested hand.  "You should be looking for the Arkenstone with the others."

She bit her tongue hard.  This was not Thorin, this was an impression of him.  She told herself.

"I am not a servant Thorin.  I may come and go as I please."

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