Eomer ~ Smitten

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You giggled, Eomer's beard tickling your neck as he lovingly kissed you. He smiled, his arms tight around you.

"Are you right there love?" He asked.

"You know your beard tickles." You giggle again as he renews his efforts.

"That's not all that is ticklish." His hands move and you momentarily tense until his onslaught began on your ribs, laughter leaving your mouth in loud bursts as you tried to get him to stop.

"Eomer...s-stop!" But he was merciless until you were well and truly out of breath.

He smiles down at you. "Are you alright there love?"

You laugh and playfully shove him and he returns your laughter, nuzzling back down beside you, entangling your bare legs with his once again.

It was a cooler than usual morning in Rohan and you had awoken early to Eomer playfully rousing you from sleep. Naturally it turned into more than play quickly and left you both gasping for air, keeping the other close for warmth against the cool coming into the room.

That was when Eomer returned to play.

But now comfortably curled up back together, you were gently running your fingers through his hair.

You frown. "Eomer, when was the last time you washed this mane of yours?"

He grumbles, clearly having dozed off against you. "Probably when you washed it last."

Your face twists in disgust. "Eomer, that was over a month ago."

"Well, the rain washes it." He curls up tighter. "Hush love, I'm trying to sleep."

"Well, so was I before you awoke me this morning." You said with another smile.

You can feel his own smile against you. "Well, you didn't complain."

"One wouldn't complain with an amazing husband such as you."

He sighs, half grumbling. "You can wash my hair later."

You beam and become content to settle back down to more sleep. "Thank you love."

It hadn't always been this way with Eomer. You had a tendency to butt heads a lot at first, especially about your willingness to wield a blade.

Your tendency to argue of course came from the fact that both of you believed that an arranged marriage would not work.

You'd both been promised to each at a young age, your parents thinking it would be easier if you were friends.

It wasn't.

You learnt to admire the soldiers while you watched Eomer train and decided that you wanted to fight too.

Not many were overly keen on the idea.

But you persevered, making sure you were equal, if not better than the men.

And the older Eomer got, the less he liked it.

You were meant to have been married before the war broke out, but with the two of you fighting so often, it wasn't going to happen.

Then Rohan rode to war to aid Gondor.

And that was when it had all changed.

You and Lady Eowyn, Eomer's sister and your best friend, were determined to join the fight, no matter the consequences.

So you did.

And you saved Eomer's life.

He hadn't been any the wiser at first, simply believing another soldier had saved him, but when you were thrown from your horse and your helmet knocked away, it wasn't hard for him to tell.

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