Fili ~ Hesitate

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"Mama, this is ridiculous."

"Stop fiddling dear, you look fine."

"No, I mean being paraded in front of the King."

"Nonsense, he is the King, he enjoys this type of thing."

"And you don't think it at all demeaning?"

"Demeaning?  I can think of no greater honour!  Can you imagine if you are chosen to be Queen?"

You rolled your eyes with a sigh as she continued to fawn over your dress.  "Have you even thought to ask what he or I want?"

She pretends not to hear you, turning her attention to your hair.

Folding your arms, you give up, knowing she won't listen anyway.

"Now, remember to smile dear, can't have you looking so miserable."  She pats your arms and looks at you with shining eyes. "My how you have grown up."

You refrained from groaning and instead gave a strained smile.  "Thanks Mama."

The walk to hall seemed to take forever in your mind, you wanted to turn and run the other direction,  sure that any person in their own sane mind would be the same.

However, if you were expecting something similar from the other women there, you were disappointed.

You did roll your eyes as they all talked excitedly amongst themselves and families, even as your mother gave you a little nudge forward.

This was the stupidest thing you'd ever been forced into.

Soon, a band arrived and your mother took that as her sign to leave.

She fiddles with your hair one last time.  "Now, take care dear, remember, you need to impress!"

She kisses your forehead before dashing away, most of the other parents doing the same.

You huff.  You'd been so happy when you missed the first courting dance, sick in bed while your mother practically wept.  You despised this forced courting nonsense, a strong believer that things happen when they happen.

This time round, you weren't so lucky.

You quickly moved to the side of the room, out of the way.  The men would be coming in soon, followed closely by the King, and you didn't want any of that attention.

The women practically cheered when the men entered and you rolled your eyes as they giggled and laughed.

Then silence fell as the King was announced.

Your heart almost broke when you saw him.  The weight of what was expected clear on his shoulder, thrown onto him after his Uncle did not survive the battle, even though he himself barely survived.  He'd barely had time to grieve before he was expected to make decisions.

Now they were expecting him to be married.

It churned your stomach.  Fili was still recovering, that was clear in the way he walked, but he was also trying to deal with all these new responsibilities, ones he wasn't prepared for.

You shook your head, disliking the whole situation even more.

The music started and the more bold dwarves stepped forward and started to dance.

You sighed, resigned to settling in for a long night.  You watched King Fili, seemingly set in doing the same thing, scowling and waving someone away when they came and whispered something in his ear.

It pleased you to know that someone else wasn't going to enjoy this too.

Your attention was then drawn by the women that seemed to be edging closer to the King and you scowled.  He didn't deserve that.

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