Thorin ~ Accidents 8

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The temporary stay in Rivendell had Louisa feeling better than what she had since first waking up.

As she was a friend of Gandalf, they took her in with open arms, much to the dwarves disgruntlement, and she soon had a small assortment of clothes for the rest of her journey, as well as her own bow and arrows, which she wasn't entirely sure how to feel about, especially when one elf asked her if she would like help to practise.

Louisa took up the offer, but the elf quickly realised that she didn't need it.

"A human?  Natural with a bow?  This is- I've never-"

Overall, while she was feeling better, she couldn't shake the feeling that the elves were slightly fascinated by her, often catching them looking and talking, and while her senses seemed muted here (something she was relieved about) she knew that they were also cautious.

It wasn't until she met Lord Elrond alone with Gandalf that she understood.

"You are very rare in Middle Earth Louisa," Elrond said gently.  "And I'm sorry if my kin seem to be a little overwhelming to you, but many have never seen someone like you before, especially not of such talents."

Louisa tries to shrug it off.  "Well, it could be worse."  Sirius was sitting on her lap, chewing away at something one of the elves had given him.

"Yes, well, I can't imagine dwarves are overly accepting of it."  Elrond said, sounding a little annoyed, but clearly trying to help it.  "Especially if, as Gandalf says, you have something that can be linked to them?"

Louisa looks at him a little nervously, her gaze flickering to Gandalf for a moment.

"It's alright Louisa," Gandalf said.  "Lord Elrond has seen much stranger in his time."

Louisa sighed and then tugged out her necklace, showing it to Elrond.

Elrond approached and frowned when he saw it.  "You woke up with this?"

"Yes.  As well as a silver bracelet but...well, I lost that."  She said, currently wishing that she could sense what he was feeling.

Elrond examined it closely.  "Gandalf, has there been indication from the Company that she has this?"

"Louisa knows to keep it tucked away."  Gandalf said.  "Do you think it means something?"

"Considering what it is Gandalf, can we say that it is not?"  Elrond asked and stepped back, looking at Louisa thoughtfully.  "Louisa, do you feel any more inclined to one of the dwarves?"

Louisa felt her face flush red.  "What?"

"You are particularly sensitive to emotions correct?"  Louisa nods.  "Do you feel more from some of the dwarves?"

Louisa cleared her throat as Gandalf gave her a very knowing look.  "Maybe?  What does it matter?"

"Because, chances are, with a necklace like that, that you have a certain connection to at least one of them."  Elrond said.  "And I could take a definite guess that that would be Thorin Oakenshield."

Louisa licked her lips.  "Trust me, I'd prefer not to.  At times it's just a little overwhelming."

"And distracting?"  Gandalf asked, earning an exasperated sigh.

"I don't know what else to say about it, it's not like I understand it either."  She grumbled, patting Sirius's head.

Elrond was watching her thoughtfully.  "How well do you get along with Thorin?"

Louisa frowned, looking between the two of them.   "How should I know?  It's not exaclty something I sit and think about it.  I'm intuned to him but that doens't mean I focus on it."

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