Dwalin ~ Yours 3

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It was early morning when I awoke and I made sure that I left the house quietly, the dwarves still snoring as I left.

I was still fuming from the night before, my body still exhausted, and right now, even with the threat of the skin changer around, I needed to clean up.

It was foolish but I was beyond the stage of caring.

I found the small pool and almost cried in relief, stripping down and climbing in. The water was crisp but it felt good against my aching muscles, so good that I submerged myself for a good while, just letting the tension ease out of my body.

Eventually I started to rub the dirt and blood from my skin, my body feeling better the more I cleaned.

My hair proved a little harder.

I twisted and turned, trying to get a good angle in which I could clearly seethe condition of my hair but it was of little use.

"What are you doing lass?"

I practically screamed at the voice, jumping a mile as I lookup and find Dwalin there, his face red, and his eyes shut.

"Dwalin! What do you think you are doing?" I yell at him. "Were you...were you watching me bathe?"

He hurriedly shakes his head. "No, I came looking for you and...and found you here, but I shut my eyes quick! I didn't see much, honest!"

"Didn't see much...so help me Dwalin, if I find out you were watching, I'm going to take that axe you fixed for me and stick it somewhere you are going to regret." I snarled furiously, heading to the bank while making sure his eyes were closed. "You need to stop following me everywhere, it's damned frustrating."

"I can't help it." He said and then seemed to panic over his words. "I don't do it intentionally."

"Oh, well that's good to know." I said thickly. Had I been calm, I probably would've picked up on what he actually said. "Make sure you keep those eyes shut while I dress, otherwise I will take that axe."

He frowns. "What about your hair?"

"Well, I'm hardly going to wash it with you around am I?" I snap. "It will have to wait."

There was a moments hesitation.

"I could wash it for you."

I froze, halfway through dressing, to stare at him.

"You what?"

"I...I could wash it for you." He mumbles it this time, clearly unsure of my reaction.

I stared at the dwarf, deciding whether or not, there and then, if I was going to hit him.

But there was something oddly comforting about the thought of it and I almost opened my mouth and said yes.


I finished dressing. "Dwalin...why do you keep appearing to me so? None of the others do it, they leave me be, but you...you are very persistent."

He frowns, his eyes still closed, as he opens his mouth to say something, then shut its again.

"You can open your eyes Dwalin, I'm dressed." You said and he finally looked at you.

His gaze was unblinking as he considered what to say.

Finally, he stared down at his feet and mumbled something that I didn't hear.

"If you expect me to able to hear that you are very mistaken." I said, a little impatiently.

"I said I think you are my one." He said loudly, anger suddenly in his gaze. "And I'll be damned if you aren't the most infuriating, stubborn, troublesome woman I have ever met. If you had half a brain in that head of yours, you'd be able to tell what I was doing and not get so angry about it all the time."

I had frozen, staring at him with wide eyes and a slightly open mouth. My mind wasn't quite comprehending the information he had practically just shouted at me, and in truth, I had no idea how to react to such a bold statement.

Dwalin then looks very nervous as I hadn't moved. "Keli...a reaction would be nice."

"No." The word was out of my mouth before I even realised it as my mind finally caught up. "Don't you dare give me that."

He frowns. "What?"

"Don't give me that rubbish about a one." I said angrily. "It is the biggest load of bull I've ever heard. How it's part of our culture I will never-"

"It is a large part of our people." Dwalin said, still frowning. "Whether you like it or not, it is how it works."

"No." I said defiantly. "Because I don't believe in it."

"So what, that is just going to be your answer? No?" His voice rose a little, his eyes showing his hurt more than his expression, which was struggling to contain his anger.

I stared Dwalin down, the anger equally as hot in my blood, my fave flush. "That's right. I am not going to be...be sucker to that nonsense. You want to believe in that, go right ahead, but don't expect me to just bow over and spread my legs Dwalin, because I am not buying it."

His face was equally red. "I would never expect such a thing, but apparently I've found the wrong person anyway because I know she would definitely not react like that when I tell her she's my one!"

"Well what did you expect me to do!" I roared, all the anger and frustration that had been building finally unleashing on him. "You barely even know me and then, by announcing that, you are suddenly declaring that you want to spend the rest of your life with me! No Dwalin. I refuse for it to work that way."

With that, I march away, not looking back, not caring about any further reaction from him. I refused to be subject to such a ridiculous notion.

And in that moment, I did not care whether I had broken the dwarfs heart or not.

Let alone, my own.

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