Gimli ~ Hair

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Legolas was grinning at you like an idiot, something which only widened as you glared at him.

"Not a word, Legolas." You hiss at him in elvish from across the boats.

He laughs. "And why would I, Y/N? Surely nothing of you being jealous?"

Your eyes flash. "One more word, and you'll be in the river."

"No one is going in the river." Aragorn calls back and the others cast you two curious glances.

It was known that you two would always jest at each other, natural for a brother and sister, but it was clear by your expression, that there was no jest here.

You expression was dark, and, ashamedly, Legolas was correct in what was causing it.


All because of a damned dwarf.

You'd been fascinated by them since their reclamation of Erebor, much to your father's disgust. You spent hours researching their culture and history, but had never been allowed to travel to meetings in Erebor, so you had little contact.

This journey had changed that. The stubborn dwarf had been mistrustful at first, but it hadn't stopped you trying from talking to him, to befriend him.

Something that Legolas made look easy.

Eventually, Gimli had grown relatively comfortable around you, he was particularly impressed with your knowledge about dwarves, and you were pretty sure you had taught him a thing or two about his people.

It was sometime in Moria, that you realised something was different.

You had fallen for the dwarf.

Legolas had laughed a lot when you told him, asking if you'd really been so blind to your emotions, and you had scowled at him until one of the Hobbits asked if you were feeling alright.

Once you realised, you did everything to try and rid yourself of the emotion. How could you, an elven princess, have fallen for a dwarf? Especially one that was rude, had terrible manners, and had a clear dislike of elves.

Every time those bad qualities came up, you realised that his good ones out weighed them greatly. He was kind, loyal, and had a good strength to him. Legolas didn't approve, but you also loved the dwarf's crude sense of humour.

"Jealousy is normal, Y/N." Legolas said, still grinning at you from the other boat.

You ignored him, hating that he found this so entertaining.

It wasn't his fault that Galadriel was practically the epitome of perfection. It also wasn't his fault that the dwarf had asked for three golden hairs from her head, and now keeping them in a special place close to his heart.

But you'd be damned if you still weren't angry about it.

He'd never looked at you like the look he had given her and it was terribly upsetting. It had been suggested that you simply tell him, but you shot that down.

No, this would just have to be ignored.

You would have to handle this like your father handled emotions. You'd hate yourself later, but it had to be done.

As you pulled up to shore, you staggered a little and he just happened to grab you.

"Are you alright Y/N?" He asked.

"Fine." You quipped. You hadn't wanted to sound rude, but it had been, as you shook him off and stormed up the bank to where camp would be.

You started on the fire, missing a shared look between Aragorn and Legolas, and another from a very disgruntled Gimli.

The fire going, you sat back and ignored the others, satisfied to just brood away your emotions.

Eventually, Legolas came up to you.

"Come Y/N, let's go get some firewood."

"You go, I'm not in the mood to walk."

"You don't want to join your brother on an adventure?"

You looked up at him with a raised eyebrow. That was your code for wanting to talk in private.

Sighing, you stand and walk with him. It was some time before he spoke.

"You need to tell him Y/N."

You looked at him. "Is this really what you dragged me out here for? To tell me that?"

Slowly, he nods. "That, and to tell you that shutting down like father will do you more harm than good."

Huffing impatiently, you storm ahead of him.

"Y/N, wait." He easily walks with you. "You are acting as if I have never been in love and do not know of what I speak. I lost the woman I loved to another, and now I do not want you to do the same."

"Father would not-"

"I do not care what father would or not approve of." He says sternly. "This is your happiness. Not his."

"Legolas...this is not something I can just come out and say." You sigh. "Plus, he is a dwarf, he has been raised to mistrust us. I doubt that my feelings would be returned."

"If you do not say anything, you will never know."

"The answer is no, Legolas. Just let me handle my own path." And without another word, you storm away, not wanting to hear anymore.

It was a while before you returned to camp, to find it only occupied by Gimli.

"Where are the others?" You ask, nervously taking a seat on the other side of camp.

"Out." He says gruffly. "Left me here to watch."

You nod in acknowledgement and it becomes an awkward silence, with you gently poking the fire.

"You know, dwarven woman aren't overly shy on how they feel."

You froze for a moment and then looked up. Gimli was watching you closely.


"Dwarven woman are not shy about how they feel."

You frown slightly. "That's good, I suppose."

His eyes were twinkling. "If you liked me so, you should say."

You feel yourself go as red as his beard and hurriedly looked away. "I don't know who told you such a thing."

"No one told me. I heard you and that brother of yours talking about it."

You stab the fire angrily. "That was meant to be a private conversation."

"Private enough that Aragorn and Legolas set you up."

This tipped you over the edge. "Oh really, well those two are going to get more than a few stern words when the get back. They are going to get my boot up their arse! If not then my arrows down their throat! How dare they? How-" You stopped, realising that Gimli was laughing. "What's so funny?"

"You mightn't share how you feel openly, but you have a lot of fire in you. I like that in a woman."

If your face could've gone any redder, it would have, as you were left speechless at his comment.

Gimli gets to his feet, walking over to you and placing a warm but scratchy kiss on your hand.

Still grinning, he walks back and sits down. "You can speak when you're ready lass, we have all the time in the world."

As you sat in stunned silence, you swore you would get your own revenge against all three of them.

Especially Legolas.

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