Beorn ~ Little 2

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I stirred from my deep sleep as Beorn's fingers brushed my face, but I didn't open my eyes.

"What is it?" I asked sleepily, barely holding on to my awakened state.

"Are you alright?"

I frowned and opened one bleary eye to look at him. "What?"

He frowns at me. "Are you alright?"

"Apart from trying to keep sleeping, I am fine. Why?"

"Because there are dwarves in our home."

This got me awake in an instant and I sat up too quickly, groaning as my stomach suddenly churned and my head spun.

Beorn quickly pulled me against him to steady my now shaking body. "Easy little one, they mean no harm. They are traveling with Gandalf the Grey."

I rested against him. Gandalf was a name that we knew, although we had never met him, and it was a name to be trusted. "But why are they here?"

"They are on the run from Azog."

A growl left me then and I would have sat up again had Beorn not made sure his arms were around me.

"Easy little one. They are outside our borders, they would not dare attack while I was on patrol and left by the time I came in."

His comment did not ease the growing tension in my body. "You should have come and got me."

Beorn's arms tensed around me, his hand lying flat over my stomach. "No, I should not have."

"I can still fight Beorn, it's not like-"

"No Bell." He growled and nuzzled into my neck. "You can hardly stand as it is."

I grumble and my hand joins his over my swollen stomach.

It hadn't happened intentionally. My extra few weeks turned into an extra few months which quickly became a year, and somehow, in that time, we had fallen for each other.

Neither of us had realised it at first, it wasn't until we were out roaming the plains together in our bear forms that it had just kind of happened.

I had decided that it was time to play a little and Beorn responded, chasing each other and hitting each other lightly before tumbling through the grass. Somewhere in all that we had returned to our human forms.

And Beorn kissed me.

And I didn't argue.

One thing led to another before we were both left panting for breath, watching the clouds roll through the sky.

"Bell?" He had asked softly, his voice holding a trace of nerves.

I rolled and snuggled into him, my fingers tracing lightly on his chest. "Yes Beorn?"

He smiled, his arms wrapped around me and kissed the top of my head lightly. "Nothing little one."

Now, I was about four months pregnant and it was definitely taking it out of me.

Beorn's hold was tight around me. "I'm sorry Bell, I didn't mean to upset you."

I sigh. "It's alright. I'm just frustrated at how much this affecting me."

"It means it'll be strong." He said softly.

"So you keep telling me."

Beorn chuckles and kisses my cheek. "I have to cheer you up somehow little one."

I screw my nose up and try to look back at him. "Are you still going to call me little one when the baby comes around?"

"Of course."

"And what do you intend to nickname the baby then?"

He smiles ruefully. "Little bear."

I rolled my eyes and gave a laugh. "Of course you already thought about it."

"When it comes to you, I must." He chuckles again and then gently lays us back down. "Go back to sleep now Bell, everything else can wait till morning."

I rolled and buried into his chest, his arms still tightly around me. "I love you Beorn."

"I love you too Bell."

The morning came to quickly for my liking as I slowly stirred awake, finding myself alone. I suppressed a whine and took my time getting to my feet.

I rested my hand on my stomach and gave a sigh of relief. "Well little bear, thanks for the reprieve for a little while at least." I then frowned, realising I used Beorn's term for our unborn child. "Great, now he's going to get me into it."

I got up and dressed before following all the noise to our kitchen.

There was a brief moment of silence as I walked in.

Beorn smiled to me and held out an arm, which I quickly retreated to, uncomfortable under all the stares.

"This is Bell." Beorn grumbles to them proudly. "My wife."

There were some greetings but I just found myself nodding in returning.

One of the dwarves, a kinder, older looking one with a hearing horn pressed to his ear, smiled kindly. "How far along are you lass?"

It took me a moment to realise he was talking about my pregnancy. "Um...about four months." I then frowned, after all, I was hardly showing. "How did you know?"

He chuckles. "I've been sen my fair of women with child lass and helped tend to them. The signs are obvious." He gives me a once over, a slight frown knotting his brow. "You've been suffering with sickness?"

Mutely, I nod.

He considers this before passing a gaze at Beorn. "If your husband would allow it, I could give you a check over. Seems the least that we could offer for your hospitality."

I look up at Beorn, who seemed unsure of how to take this request.

"Oin is a good healer." An orange haired dwarf said next him. "Helped my wife through her pregnancy because she was getting bad pains. My boy's perfectly healthy."

This seemed to ease Beorn a little and he looked back to me with kind eyes. "If you are alright with that little one?"

I wasn't going to argue, I was over feeling sick and the dwarf's kind eyes proved to me that he meant no harm.

We retreated back to our room and Beorn sat and watched as Oin checked me over.

Once done, he smiles warmly at me. "I wouldn't worry too much, the sickness should pass within the next few weeks, you may still get a bit of pain, but apart from that, it looks like you should have a perfectly healthy child."

I beamed at the old dwarf, his words putting me at ease even when I didn't realise I was worried. My gaze met Beorn's, who was smiling too, and I found myself having never been happier.

And, for the first real time I thought about it, I was more than happy I stayed.

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