Faramir ~ Fathers 2

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You hummed as you cooked, feeling more at peace at home than you had in a long time, your mother busily working with you.

"At least your sister can hold a tune."  Your father grumbles as he walks into the room.

"Yes, but apparently not her marriage."  You said, determined not to let anything faze you tonight.

"At least she is married."  He said deploringly.

"To a man who is more interested in other men than her.  Sounds charming."

"At least she's given me grandchildren."

"I'm sure they'll be nice little-"  Your mother caught your eye, effectively cutting you off, not that your father noticed.

"It was you had to do.  Settle down.  Get married.  Have children."  He said firmly.

"Sounds wonderful."  You grumble.  "And anyway, for your information, there is someone joining us for dinner tonight."

"Your sister should be here then.  Give you something to look up to."

You bit your tongue hard then, determined not to say another word until Faramir arrived.

Between you and your mother, you managed to get dinner ready quick enough, you laughingly pushing your mother out of the way everytime she tried to be too involved in the actual cooking, while dutifully ignoring any comments from your father.

Finally, he left the room to freshen up before dinner.

You sigh in relief.  "I'll almost be glad to be back out in the field."

Your mother gives you a look.  "He does care dear."

"Sure, which is why all he has talked about is Marion."  You said bitterly.  "Can he not just accept that I am living my own life here?"

"He just doesn't approve of your choices."

"He wouldn't have approved if I'd become something as simple as a baker mother,"  You washed your hands.  "This has nothing to do with my choices."

"Well," She said softly.  "You didn't exactly pick a safe road."

You stilled at this, you knew she was concerned, but you had never felt she disapproved.  "I am fine.  I am doing good out there and that's all that matters."

"Y/N...I don't want to see you hurt."

"I am not careless."  You snap unintentionally, facing her, and then sighing.  "Come, let us get ready, he should be here soon."

You tidied up and dressed in fresh clothes, brushing your hair a little nervously and jumping when the front doorbell rang.

You reached the top of the stairs as your father answered.

Your father stared.

Faramir smiled and gave a polite bow.  "Captain Faramir, son of Denethor, at your service sir.  I believe this is the right house, yes?"

You bounded down the stairs, grinning.  "It is indeed Faramir.  This is my father, Y/F/N."

"Pleasure to meet you sir."  Faramir holds out his hand and your father takes it carefully, eyeing off Faramir.  "I'm not early am I?"

"Of course not,"  You said, perhaps too excitedly, taking his hand and pulling him inside.  "We're all ready to go."

You take his coat, Faramir mimicking your smile, and lead him to the dining room, your father still watching you both.

"I think he is a little stunned."  Faramir said quietly to you.

You nod enthusiastically.  "I know and it's great."

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