Mist 5

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Boromir found himself thrown back and a sword at his throat.

"W-what are doing?" He gasped, staring wide eyed at a very angry looking Mist.

"Are you in you right mind?" She growled, her hand glowing.

"Are you daft? Put your sword away!" He didn't dare move, the sword painfully close.

"Tell me you are in your right mind and I will move the sword." Her voice was deadly calm, her eyes not leaving his.

Boromir stares at her and the guilt showed in his expression. "I am in my right mind Mist. I want nothing more than to find Frodo and apologise. I am sorry Mist, I do not know what came over me."

Slowly, her sword lowers. "Do not fear for Frodo. He will be alright." She looks around them. "We have more pressing matters to worry about."

The sound of orcs reached them and Boromir stepped forward, drawing his own sword.

"What do we do?" He asked her quietly.

"Fight." She replied. "Try and make our way to the others."

Boromir stares at her. "How can you be so casual about this?"

She shrugs an little. "I knew it was coming."

He wanted to question this but there was no chance as the Uruk-hai were upon them.

Mist did not use her ability unless she absolutely had to and her and Boromir often ended up back to back in the fight.

Once the numbers were thinned, they pushed back towards the way of the camp, only to come across Merry and Pippin.

They jumped between the hobbits and the encroaching Uruk-hai.

And then Boromir blew his horn.

Mist vanished in a flash of blue as an uruk went to hit her, reappearing behind Boromir and taking out the one who had gone to hit him, before returning to the first in another flash.

"Don't do that too much," Boromir growled. "I don't need you going down on me."

"I know, trust me." She yelled, swing her sword wide to catch another across the throat.

The hobbits helped as much as they could, throwing stones at the Uruk-hai, more as a distraction than anything, although several went down to well aimed throws to the head.

That was when it all went wrong.

The arrow hit Boromir without warning.

The three of them stopped and stared in shock.

And Boromir kept fighting.

Mist was next to him then, supporting him.

The next arrow came, striking Boromir again.

This almost took the warrior down.

But still he refused to stop fighting.

The hobbits watched in vain as the uruk drew his third arrow.

But this one never hit.

Mist had placed herself between Boromir and arrow.

She breathed heavily as the arrow stuck out of her chest, Boromir slipping down behind her. She held her sword at the ready, unblinking and unmoving, even as the other Uruk-hai moved past her. Merry and Pippin tried to help, drawing their swords, but there was little they could do as they were quickly swept up and taken away.

Mist did not move from in front of Boromir, even as the bow wielding uruk approached.

He drew another arrow back.

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