Connected 11

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Hey guys!  Sorry I've been away so long, sadly it's just that time of year.  Still writing though, but things just may be a tad slow between stories.

Thorin found Veera at the edge of Beorn's land.  She was standing almost frozen, as if debating whether to continue or not.

"If you know he did not, that is all that matters Veera."  He said quietly as he approached.

Veera sighs.  "And if I said I wasn't sure?"

"Then we will work through it."  He wrapped his arms around her.  "But do not let yourself be torn down by it."

"I only want to help Thorin."  Veera's voice wavered.  "I only want...want..."

"I know."  He pulls her tighter to him.  "Then believe he did not."

"I wish that were easy to do."  She mumbles.  "But they all sounded so sure."

"The only one that could know is you."  Thorin said, a little sternly.  "So listen to yourself Veera."

"I don't trust myself Thorin."  She turns in his arms and wraps her arms around him, burying against his chest.  "How can I?  After everything that has happened."

Thorin remains silent and just holds her close to him, resting his head on hers.

The next few days it was clear that Veera was trying to work it all out.  Despite Thorin's words, she kept him completely out, and any attempts from Keeva were quickly shut down.  It was frustrating, but Thorin gave her time, which he wasn't sure who it aggravated more, Keeva or Dwalin.

"She's getting worse each day you don't do something."  Dwalin growled to him one evening.

"That is Keeva's issue."  Thorin said, sending a warning look to his friend.  "There's is no point in taking it out on me."

"Well she's taking it out on me."  Dwalin said.  "And here I was thinking that we'd made some lead way."

"Just because of how things are now, doesn't mean you haven't."  Thorin said and then gave a small smirk to his friend.  "I thought you weren't interested."

Dwalin went very red around his neck.  "I'm not."


Finally, the day they were due to leave, Veera approached Thorin.

"Hey."  She said quietly.

Thorin looked at her and gave a soft smile.  "Feeling better?"

She nods a little hesitantly. "A little."

He takes her hand and squeezes it gently.  "It will take time Veera, but I'm here if you need me, as is, mostly because she's so loud about it, is Keeva."

Veera nods.  "I know."  She then throws her arms around Thorin, taking him a little bit by surprise, but he returns the hug.

Thorin kisses the top of her head.  "You don't have to do this alone."

She gives a half hearted snort against him.  "Says you."

He just smiles and holds her closer.

They were all grateful that Beorn lent them his horses, they were all pretty certain that Azog would have had them in no time should they be on foot.  It also allowed them to make up for some lost time, not stopping until well after nightfall.

It didn't seem long before Mirkwood loomed before them.

Keeva and Veera both looked at the forest with unease, the others unpacking the ponies as Gandalf went ahead.

"Something about this place isn't right."  Keeva said, frowning at the forest.  "You can feel it too right?"

Veera nods.  "Yeah, but I don't think there are many other options."

Gandalf came bustling out.  "Not my horse!  I need it!"

They all stared at Gandalf.

"You're not leaving us?"  Bilbo asked.

"I would not do so unless I absolutely had too."  He said and then looked over at Veera and Keeva.  "Do not enter that mountain without me."

Veera shuffled a little nervously, feeling it directed to her, but there was nothing any of them could do as Gandalf rode off.

"He hasn't been much use anyway."  Dwalin growled, shouldering a pack.

Keeva scowled at him but remained silent.

"Come on,"  Thorin called.  "The sooner we get through this forest the better."

Veera was still watching after Gandalf as the others walked past her.

Thorin gently took under her arm.  "Veera?"

She gives him a half smile.  "Sorry, guess I'm a little torn about Gandalf leaving."

Thorin nods in understanding but then leads her into the forest.

It wasn't long before the forest began to feel heavy around them, an unseen pressure beating down on them and making them paranoid about what was in the darkness beyond the trees.

They all kept close together, many hands on weapons, and more than once it was made sure that Veera and Keeva were in the middle, much to their annoyance.

Keeva got particularly mad when Dwalin practically dragged her back.

She violently shook off his arm.  "I don't need a babysitter Dwalin!"

"If you just stayed put, I wouldn't have to."  He snapped back.

"Just remember who can beat you, you stubborn oaf!" Her voice carried through the forest, agitating the others.

Veera took a tight grip of Keeva's arm.  "Enough."  She hissed.  "We do not want to draw attention to ourselves here."

Keeva tried to shake her arm off too.  "Well then tell him to leave me alone."

"I'm only putting you where you will be protected."  Dwalin growled.

"How about I out my boot-"

"Keeva enough!"  Veera snapped and her voice seemed to carry clearest through the forest.  "Honestly-"

There was a loud creaking through the trees and everybody froze.  The noise continued and they stared around as best they could.

The silence that followed, was worse.

"We need to move,"  Balin said quietly.  "I suggest putting aside what ever qualms you have for now and focus it all on getting out of this forest alive."

None of them disagreed with that and they started to move quicker along the path.

That was until the path came to an end.

Clearly suppressed panic took over the group and they began looking for the rest of the path, causing several more fights to break out, including an actual fight between Veera and Keeva.  In the meantime, Bilbo disappeared up the tallest tree he could see.

That was the only thing that saved them.

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