Boromir ~ Free 2

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You watched your city burn.

The orcs had come upon it swiftly, Faramir you feared was dead and Denethor had been driven mad with grief.

Your hand rests on the white tree as tears pour down your face.

Boromir too was believed dead, but you could not accept that, you would not accept that.

Not with his child growing inside you.

Boromir had courted you and then asked for your hand, your father happily giving permission, and you had both been moved into palace quarters.

You tried to avoid Denethor, despite Boromir's words about him, but there was something you did not trust about the man.

If Boromir was away, Faramir wouldn't be far off to keep you company or lend aid should you need it, but Boromir always made sure he was home quickly.

This journey had been different.

Boromir had gone far away, to Rivendell, seeking council after a dream, a dire warning, was had.

He had reluctantly gone, not wanting to leave you so long, but you had told him you would be alright.

And then you found out you were with child.

Boromir didn't know.

And so you knew, with all your heart, that Boromir could not be dead.

"My lady," You turn to face the guard behind you. "I must insist you come inside, for your own safety."

"The city is not overrun yet." You said, facing back to the battlefield.

He gives a soft, understanding smile, something you had almost forgotten how to do. "My lady, I'm sure Boromir would not be pleased to find you standing out here, especially with child."

You sigh, he was right of course, Boromir was extremely protective of you, had left you every sort of guard in his absence when his brother could not be there, but you were his light, his guiding star, and he wasn't going to let anything change that.

Turning with the soldier you let him lead you inside, to the house of healing. Five guards were there, solely for your protection.

And so you waited. The house of healing was designed so as little noise got through, but occasionally you could all still hear it, you could all note terrified screams and hellish orc cries. One would often walk out, checking how things were going, but he would always quickly return.

Tears rolled down your face, but you hadn't realised until one hit your hand and you stared at it in shock.

You didn't like to cry.

You were always meant to he the happy one.

This wasn't you.

But with knowledge that Boromir indeed may not return, you started to cry harder. If both Boromir and Faramir were gone, you had nothing.

Nothing except Boromir's child.

As you sobbed, you hugged your stomach, the guards looking at you nervously, none of them trained for this.

It was then there were loud voices, the guards preparing themselves in front of the door and you backed away nervously, unsure of what you were going to do if indeed orcs flooded the building.

The door opens, but it wasn't orcs that entered.

It was men.

And leading them, was Boromir.

You cried out and then you were running, sobbing and he stepped forward to wrap his arms around you, peppering your face with kisses as you cried, your body trembling against him. The guards stand down, looking relieved as the other soldiers enter, looking happy to see others alive.

Boromir cups your face so he can capture your gaze. "Y/N, are you alright?"

Incapable of speaking, you nod.

He kisses you deeply. "I'm sorry I was gone so long. I'm sorry I scared you so."

"I thought you were dead." You croaked, touching him and not letting him go. "All the reports said you were."

"I came very close." He brushes away the tears from your cheeks. "But nothing to worry about now. I am alright. I am here."

"As are we." You take his hand and place it over your stomach and he looks at you, a little shocked.


You nod, the first smile coming across your lips since he had left.

Boromir smiles broadly and kisses you again, holding you tightly to him.

"I shall not leave you again, I promise."

Your child was born not long before the final battle. A healthy baby girl sharing her fathers eyes. Boromir held her gently, Faramir, partly healed sitting next to him, filled with laughter, teasing his brother of being smitten once again.

You smile at them, tired from bringing her into the world, and Boromir passes her to you, so you can hold her before you rest.

"She's beautiful." You say softly as Boromir kisses the top of your head.

"That she is." His hand rests over yours as your child sleeps soundly. "Like her mother, who will no doubt teach her to smile everyday."

You lean into him with a large smile, your exhaustion winning over.

"And a father that will teach her how to be a strong leader. My Boromir, what are we unleashing on the world?"

"A woman who will no doubt outdo all the men." Faramir chuckles. "And probably have a fair few chasing after her."

"Don't tease him Faramir," You giggle, seeing Boromir frown. "He has many years before he has to worry about that."

Boromir kisses your head again. "That's right baby brother. Now, shouldn't you be returning to your quarters?"

"Yes, alright, I can see when I'm not wanted." He sighs dramatically, still smiling. "Don't keep her up brother."

Alone, you both look with wonder upon your little girl.

"I always dreamed of victory," He says quietly. "But I never thought that this would be my reward."

You hum against him, your eyes drifting shut. "Almost victory, it is not quite over yet."

"True. Then perhaps we shall name when it is over, it would seem only fitting."

You nod against him and let sleep take you.

As much as Boromir did not want to leave your side, you both knew he had to be present for the final battle. It was only right after all he had been through on the quest.

In the end, you had little to worry about, Boromir returning to you again, all out victorious. It was as if a large weight was lifted off him as he scooped you up in his arms and spun you around, your child in your arms even as you laughed.

"So what shall we name her now that we are free?"

He takes her gently from you, holding her close and smiling as you had never seen him do before.


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