Thranduil ~ Daisies 2

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Elrond watched you as you sat next to the fire, your legs curled up under you and your gaze intent on the page. He couldn't tell from where he was whether you were reading or not, but it did not stop the air of sadness that was always around you.

Legolas walks up behind him, following his gaze.

"She's has been like this for a long time." Elrond said softly without turning.

Legolas looks at you, clearly noting the heaviness on her shoulders. "Who is she?"

Elrond sighs and turns away. "One of your people, but she left long ago and has been residing here ever since."

"She is from Mirkwood."

"Was. Now, she will tell you she is from nowhere."

Legolas frowns. "Why did she leave?"

Elrond pauses, seeing the curiousity in the elf but not knowing how to answer. " not for me to tell you, I fear. You will have to ask her that."

He left Legolas to watch you, undecided on whether or not he was going to speak to you.

You were unaware of all of this, simply turning over the next page of your book.

Slowly, Legolas approaches.

He stops before you and bows out of respect. "Apologies my lady, I do not mean to intrude, but I have some questions that I feel only you can answer."

You don't look up at the elf. "I am here because I do not wish to be disturbed, master elf, and I would like it to remain so."

Legolas licks his lips. "I understand, and my apologies again, but I am just wondering what one of my people is doing this far away?"

This did make you look up and you eyed the elf carefully. The height and stance had an air of familiarity about them, although you were very sure you had never seen this elf before, but then you looked at his eyes and very familiar memories came back to you.

You let out a slow breath, shutting your book. "You are Prince Legolas."

He nods and bows again. "At your service my lady."

Elrond had warned you he would be coming, which was part of the reason why you had locked yourself away in here. Apparently it wasn't meant to be though and you mentally scowled at Elrond, having little doubt that he had interfered.

"I am here of my own will if that is what you are asking." You said, rising, hoping you could escape from this.

Legolas tilts his head. "Did you not care for your people?"

You tense. "I cared too much, that is why I am here and it is also why I have not left."

You had considered it many a times, leaving the shores, putting all the pain and suffering behind you, you had even ended up there several times but each time, you had to turn away.

It just did not feel right.

Legolas clearly didn't understand and he was observing you a little too closely for your liking.

"Are you in contact with anyone?"

"No and nor would I wish to be." You lied bitterly. "Now please, Prince Legolas, I have things to do, as do you."

You left, unable to handle the presence of those blue eyes any more, retreating to your room where you sat numbly on the end the bed.

It was too late to stop the torrent of thoughts coming through, just as it was too late to stop the tears rolling down your cheeks. You lay down, clutching the book tightly and let the sobs carry you to sleep.

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