Thorin ~ Battleborn 8

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Evanna and Thorin hadn't spoken for days. The silence in the cell was unsettling and hushed words were passed between the closest cells to try and work out what to do about it.

Thorin spent a lot of time watching her, Evanna refusing to meet his gaze as she stared miserably at her feet or the wall in front of her. She barely ate too, another concern as he constantly pushed food towards her as the guards brought it to them.

He could see a part of her had broken, and it broke his heart to see her like that.

He had tried talking, but each time she simply turned away, curling up to face the wall again. He couldn't get angry though, this was his own fault.

Being in the cell wasn't helping.

Dwalin kept catching his eye and nodding to her, but Thorin would just shake his head, after the third day, he knew she needed time.

Many words spoken that night seemed to take a long time to process in his mind. When he did indeed realise exactly what Thranduil had done, he was furious, the elf having had no right to do such a thing, but then he thought that Evanna was right.

She was his weakness.

He almost cursed out loud when he realised it, he had always promised himself that it would never get like that between them, that were both so independently strong that it couldn't possibly come to that.

Now he knew that he was wrong.

But he also knew that it wasn't just him that had a weakness.

Just as she was his, he was hers.

Which was why she was suffering so much now.

Her other words, about not being worthy, struck a bad nerve.  He had been denying it to himself for so long, refusing to think about it, and yet he knew it was true.

He just never expected her to be able to see it.

Thinking on it, he wouldn't be surprised if Dwalin did too, the three of them having known each other for so long.

The argument was tearing him up.

On one of the nights, where she was curled up on the other side of the cell, she was shivering. Thorin was conferring with Bilbo at the time, who made regular nightly appearances as he tried to find a way out for them, and he just so happened to glance over. Completely distracted, Thorin had stood, removed his coat and placed it over her without even thinking about it, rejoining Bilbo, who looked a little stunned, but said nothing.

Evanna returned his coat silently in the morning.

Unfortunately is was after that the guards them removed their armour and coats, leaving them in only under clothes, much to all their disgust.

"Going to freeze us to death." Dwalin grumbled. "They clearly don't know we are used to the cold."

It was just after a week, when most of them had gone past frustration and moved to restlessness that Bilbo gave them a solution.

There was a feast on and the hobbit had stolen the keys.

The dwarves cheers were quickly hushed by the hobbit and he let Thorin out first before hurrying to the others. Thorin was about to move when he noticed Evanna hadn't followed.

"Evanna?" He asked, seeing she hadn't moved from the spot in the back of the cell.

"I'm only going to get in the way, leave without me." She mumbled miserably.

Thorin stared at her in shock, having never heard such a defeat in her voice before. "Not a chance Evanna. Stop being ridiculous." He growls.

But she shakes her head. "No."

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