Legolas ~ Friends 2

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You felt heat creep into your cheeks as the elf opposite you laughed, laughed to the point where he was holding his sides.

"This isn't funny Legolas." You mutter angrily.

But this just made Legolas laugh harder.

You had gotten stuck. The two of you had been on watch, helping the Dúnedain, and been camped up in a tree. As morning had come over the land, you had decided it was time to move, when you'd slipped and gotten stuck.

Your waist was trapped between two branches and no matter how much you moved and twisted, you couldn't get yourself free, and you'd never heard Legolas laugh harder.

"How about instead of laughing, you help me out." You snap, trying again to twist yourself free.

He wipes tears from his eyes. "I'm sorry, but I've never seen you so ungraceful before."

He starts to laugh again and your face turns even redder, both in embarrassment and in anger.

"I'm sorry." He laughs, making you scowl further. "I'm sorry Y/N, I'll come and help."

Still laughing, although holding it together, he climbs back up the tree to you.

"This isn't very comfortable." You huff, impatient now.

He grins and sits on the branch in front of you, looking at how exactly you were stuck. "It doesn't look it."


"Yes Y/N?"

"Please get me down."

He can't seem to stop smiling. "I'm working on it."

"No, you are sitting there grinning at me like an idiot."

"While thinking about how to get you down."

It had been an interesting few months after the battle, you and Legolas heading out together, but with no real rush, and you had become closer friends than you ever thought possible. It was comforting to know, that even all that had happened, hadn't changed anything between you.

Although, you still cursed yourself for being in love.

You had almost let it slip out several times, after all, nights were long next to the campfire, and then the words that you said to Tauriel would always come to you in inopportune times, and you would curse yourself again.

You just had to learn to accept the friendship.

Legolas tested the two branches you were stuck between. "You've certainly got yourself in a good spot." You glare at him and he raises an eyebrow. "What?"

"Are you going to get me down or not?"

"I'm working on it."

He comes in close, sitting on one of the branches. "Put an arm around me."


"I'm going to push on the other branch but I don't want you to just fall. Put an arm around me."

You were blushing for an entirely different reason, wrapping an arm tightly around his neck as he positioned himself on the branch, using his legs on the one opposite so he could push, therefore widening the gap.

You squeak as you suddenly slip free, but didn't fall far as you held onto Legolas, who's arms moved around you as he dropped you both from the tree.

"Better?" He asked with a smile.

You look at him, neither of you had let the other go, and nod.

"See, it wasn't so hard to get you out after all, was it?" He was still smiling, but there was something so different about this.

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