Thranduil ~ Prisoner

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I was shoved unceremoniously into a cell, cursing after the guards as they left.

"Save your breath lass," Balin calls. "It's not worth it. We will have to trust Thorin to handle it."

I scoff. "Yeah, sure, let's trust our illustratious leader with that."

It was no secret that Thorin and I disliked each other immensely.

"He can handle it lass." Dwalin said gruffly.

"I'm sure he'll make it worse." I grunted, sitting down and folding my arms. "The stubborn fool couldn't negotiate if his life depended on it." I'd kept that quiet, not wanting to upset the other dwarves more than they already were.

Sure enough, Thorin was thrown back in his cell and explained that he just insulted Thranduil.

I rolled my eyes, too exhausted to bother even replying, even with an 'I told you so.'

That was when my door was thrown upon and then I was dragged before the Elven King.

His fierce blue eyes watched me as the guards pushed me forward and scowled at them, straightening my armour back up.

"You know, between you and the dwarves, I'm really struggling to tell who is less hospitable." I said, probably a bit too aggressively.

Thranduil, sitting up high on his throne, raises an elegant eyebrow.

"Oh, my apologies," I said sarcastically. "You probably aren't used to being spoken to like that. I guess I should learn some manners." But I just folded my arms. "What? Your discussion with the dwarf king wasn't enough?"

Thranduil looked me over, took in the rangers armour, the two missing fingers, and the heavy scar across my nose. The way I stood was telling of both my confidence my arrogance, and I wasn't about to let anything else show.

"What would a ranger be doing with a group of dwarves?" He asked, clearly curious.

"That's what happens when you owe favours to wizards." I said hotly. "You end up doing things that you don't really want to do."

Thranduil seemed surprised by the answer, but hides it well. "So you have no loyalty to the dwarves?"

" a difficult subject. I've certainly made a couple of friends with them, so I would be loyal to them. But if you asking whether I am loyal to Thorin Oakenshield, then my answer would be no." I stared down the king. "Now, is there a reason you dragged me in here? Or can I less than happily return to my cell?"

He stared at me, his gaze unblinking. He clearly wasn't used to someone talking to him like this, but there was something else in his gaze too, something I couldn't pin point.

"You are very brazen for a ranger, most know when to show respect to a king."

"I don't show respect unless it's shown to me." I said, my foot now tapping the ground unintentionally.

Thranduil noticed the tick, and a smirk tugged as his lips. "Are you nervous ranger?"

"No. Impatient maybe. You are wasting my time after all."

His smirk grows wider. "And what are you going to do with your time besides sit in your cell and wait? The dwarves are of no help to your freedom."

"I have my ways." I scowled. "Now, is there a-"

"If you were a silent a moment I might give it." He quipped. "I have a feeling you like the sound of your own voice, and it is rather grating."

I grit my teeth. "Well it's good to know you brought me here to insult me."

"I did not, I was curious as to your motivations and loyalties on this foolish quest, of which you have answered both." He tilts his head, his gaze still not leaving mine. "Which leads me to a question."

"Well then stop being coy and ask it." I snap, tiring of this game.

He grins. "Seeing as you owe no loyalty to Oakenshield, perhaps you will give me what I seek in the mountain."

I stared at him, not quite believing what I was hearing. "You want me to steal from Thorin? I may not like him much, but even I know that that is madness."

Thranduil shrugs nonchalantly. "I would guarantee your freedom."

I looked the king over, he had barely moved in our discussion and this made me nervous. Not that I was going to show it.

"Freedom is hardly worth it if he cleaves my head off."

He raises an eyebrow. "Do you really think he detests you that much? I would imagine a woman of your beauty would be of great interest to a king."

I felt heat creep into my cheeks. "I can assure you that he does not see me that way."

"Certainly your personality is brash, but it just shows your strength as a warrior and a woman. You are not willing to bow before those that have power."

"And why should I be? You and Oakenshield are not my king." My hands had clenched without me realising. "Something that you are both failing to realise."

"Oh, I do realise, it is why I haven't sent you back to your cell." He pretends to examine his long fingers. "You have my curiousity peaked, and so I wish to know more about you."

I stared, wide eyed, at the elven king, trying to work out whether he was serious. "And what exactly is that supposed to mean?"

He shrugs loosely. "What ever you wish it to mean."

I frowned, still unsure of how to treat this.

Slowly, he stands and starts down the stairs. "You have answered my questions, truthfully I believe, and you have turned down my offer, although I do wish you would reconsider, and I think that you will."

"Oh really? And why is that?" I could feel myself tensing as he got closer.

"Because I have a feeling that you are not as confident as you look. It had been a long time since you have...been revitalised, and you, my dear, are close to breaking."

I held my head high, defiant. "I assure you, King Thranduil, that I do not break."

He stood in front of me, a fair bit taller than myself, and looked down at me, his gaze unyielding. "Are you sure?"

"Positive." I growled. "I don't care what you think, I am not easily broken."

But the grin that crosses his face and the unreadable gleam in his eye made my stomach sink. "We shall see."

Sorry! I felt better to leave it here, a Part 2 will be on the way!

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