Dwalin ~ Adorable

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I groaned as, yet again, I found Dwalin blocking my way in battle, determined to always be there when I didn't need him.

The wargs were on us and we were running for our lives, but I was still a Durin, something both him and my father seemed intent on ignoring.

When Gandalf called for us to fall back into a gaping hole in the rocks, Dwalin basically threw me down, where I was simply lucky to land on my feet.

I glared at him as he followed.

"Don't give me that look."  He growled, seeing my expression.

"What look?"  I asked innocently.

"The look accusing me of getting in the way."  He said as the others began following.  "I'm not your bodyguard for nothing girl."

No matter how many times he said it, I always puffed up when he called me a girl.  "I am not some little dwarflette anymore Dwalin, I am a grown woman that can handle myself."

"You are still under my protection-"

"Well tell him I don't need it-"

"You can argue with Thorin all you want, you know he won't-"

"Which is why I said you."  I folded my arms.  "You can't enjoy being on babysitting duty everyday."

Dwalin points a finger at me.  "This is between you and Thorin."

As if on cue, Thorin dropped down, the last to escape the wargs.  "Are you two at it again?"


"No Diena, and I'm sick of explaining why."  Thorin said sternly.

As all their attention was taken back up as a horn sounded, I instead marched away to explore the cave.  I didn't get far before a firm hand set on my shoulder.

I couldn't help the huff of impatience as Dwalin stepped past me.

"I cannot see where the pathway leads.  Do we follow it?"

"Follow it of course!"

I was almost relieved at being in Rivendell, despite the distrust of the elves, having more freedom than what I'd had in a fair while.

Until I realised Dwalin was following me around there too.

"Is this really necessary?"  I asked loudly till he stepped out, looking sheepish.  "We are quite safe here."

He shrugs. "We don't know what the elves will get up to."

I rolled my eyes and marched away.  This was getting sorted now.

I found Thorin sitting alone smoking his pipe.

"Dad, not only is it ridiculous having me glued to Dwalin on this journey, but here too?  We are safe,  despite any opinions of the elves you have, so why does he need to keep following me?"  I stopped before him, my arms folded and waited for an answer.

Thorin sighed.  "Diena, you agreed before you came on this that Dwalin would be your protector-"

"Yes, but not an over protector."

"He's just doing what I asked him to do, if he takes that seriously-"

"Then tell him not too!"

"Stop interrupting me."  Thorin frowned at me.  "I raised you better than that and it makes you sound ungrateful."

I felt heat rise in my cheeks but purposefully kept my mouth shut.

"Thank you."  He said.  "Now, this will continue whether you like it or not, and it will do so because I say so.  You are the princess Diena, my one and only child, if anything were to happen to you..."

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