Connected 6

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Thorin was the one who found Veera.  It hadn't been hard, just following the mental trail, her mind mercilessly blank.

He stood there stunned.

Veera sat in the middle of a group of dead orcs, blood on her hands and the small knife she held, with more on her face.

He wasn't sure how to react.

"It was from the dream."  She said quietly, answering the unvoiced question, even as she stared blankly at the ground.  "All that pent up energy, they never stood a chance."

Carefully, he stepped forward.  "Are you hurt?"

Slowly, her golden eyes came up to meet his.  "I have no idea."


He went to step forward but heavy footfalls interrupted him as Keeva burst through the trees, her eyes taking in what had happened.

"You okay?"  She asked, hurrying to Veera's side, looking her over, trying to see if she was hurt.

Veera doesn't answer, hanging her head again.

Keeva shoots Thorin a furious glare.  "Just going to stand there and stare are you?"

Thorin frowns.  "For your information-"

"Just don't." Keeva snapped and the hauled Veera to her feet, who looked more than unsteady.  "Come on, I'll make you are strong tea back at camp."

Shoving past Thorin, Keeva led Veera back to camp.

"Sorry..."  The words were soft in his mind and Thorin sighed, silently following.

By the time they all regrouped, Veera was looking a little better, the tea gripped tightly in her hands, but there were a lot of questions that were going unasked.

Gandalf was looking worriedly at Veera.  "Has this happened before Veera?"

"Twice."  Keeva answered for her, daring anyone to come close as she sat by Veera's side.

Gandalf frowned.  "Has this been the worst?"

"Yes."  Again, Keeva answered, and a slow frown was creasing Veera's brow.

"Veera, how long has this been going on?"  Gandalf asked quietly.

"Six months-"

"Shut up Keeva."

They all looked at Veera, who was glaring at Keeva angrily.  Keeva looked a little stunned.


"I don't need you to talk for me, I am more than capable."  Veera sighed, closing her eyes for a moment.  "Keeva says six months, but I say a year.  She doesn't know because I kept it from her.  There have actually been five incidents now, the last one...the last one someone got hurt so we had no choice but to run, that's why we are out here, despite the risk."

Gandalf clearly wanted to asked more but Balin interrupted.

"Would someone care to explain what is going on?"  He asked with muttered agreeances between the others.

"Veera and Keeva share a gift,"  Gandalf said for them.  "One that allows them to communicate with each other and others without speaking.  It used to be very basic for the both of them, but as time has gone on they've gotten stronger, being able to read thoughts and feelings, both unintentionally and not.  It was originally only through touch but again, it has gotten stronger.  Veera, if I'm not mistaken, if she focused,  she could hear all of you at once."

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