Thorin ~ Accidents 11

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Louisa knew that leaving Sirius behind was the right thing to do, but it didn't make it any easier, and took her a long time to both convince herself and Sirius of it.

She hadn't expected Beorn's offer, despite seeing how well the two of them got along, but even that didn't make it any easier.

Sirius whined at her as knelt in front of him, his eyes sad.

"I know, but we're going into more danger," She said quietly, rubbing his ears. "I don't like this anymore than you do, but you are getting big, I can't keep carrying you."

He whined again and moved to her pack, nuzzling it.

"No Sirius, I can't..." Louisa sighs. "I'll come back for you, I promise, but right now, you are better of staying with Beorn."

Sirius whines loudly, moving to her and not stopping as nuzzles against her, Louisa biting her lip as she pats him, tears stinging at her eyes. "I know, I don't like it either, but for both our sakes we need to."

It was hard to tell who was more heartbroken as they left Beorn's, Louisa or Sirius. Louisa had a brave face on, but she would only shake her head when anyone tried to talk to her. Sirius cried loudly from Beorn's arms, struggling against him to no avail.

The only one that didn't say anything to her, was Thorin, knowing better than to do so, thinking that the pain was clear on her expression.

The camps were uneventful, although none of the dwarves liked finding out that Beorn was following them.

"He is no threat." Louisa spoke, the first words she'd said all day, although not looking up from the book on her lap. "You don't have to worry."

"How are you feeling lass?" Balin asked, but Louisa again remained silent.

"She'll be alright." Gandalf said to Thorin, making him jump, having not realised that anyone was even paying attention to him as he watched Louisa. "Just give her time."

Thorin frowns and goes to say something but Gandalf was already moving away, seeking the edge of camp where he sits.

It wasn't until they reached the edge of Mirkwood that Louisa had more to say.

Her head had snapped up not long after Gandalf had disappeared into the forest, and she stared a little wide eyed as Gandalf came hurrying out.

"Not my horse, I need it!" He said, hurrying over to stop Nori who was starting to unsaddle Gandalf's horse.

"You're not leaving?" Bilbo asked.

"I would not do so unless I absolutely had to." Gandalf said and then looked at Louisa, who was watching him closely. "Louisa, you're coming with me."

"What?" Louisa and Thorin said together.

"Gandalf, you cannot expect me to-" Louisa started, but Gandalf was already talking again.

"Louisa, as my apprentice, you need to follow my lead. This is of high importance to us, we cannot simply ignore it." His voice was firm, looking at her.

"Gandalf, you cannot expect me to just leave them." She said, glancing at the dwarves, feeling their worry, her eyes lingering on Thorin for a moment longer. "Especially with the potential danger in there."

"Louisa, I would not be doing this unless I absolutely had to-"

"That does not mean I have to!"

"Louisa you are not ready to be left out here by yourself."

"I won't-"

"Especially with those untrained in magic."


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