The Egg 3

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Laketown hadn't exactly ended how I thought it would.

We'd tried to steal weapons from the town armoury, only to be captured by the guards and brought before the master. There, Thorin made a promise to share the wealth of Erebor, and I could tell by the expressions around me, I was the only one who felt it would end badly.

With the Masters blessing, we left for the mountain in the morning. Bofur, Fili, Kili and Oin being left behind.

As soon as we reached the shore, I rushed up the slope, calling for Bow.

Worry clung to me, I had told him to wait, so where was he?

"He won't be far." Thorin said gently, approaching me. "He will be fine."

We all walked together towards the mountain, a solemn, melancholic mood having fallen over us.

A small roar got our attention, my head snapped up and I beamed.


Bow's large golden form landed in front of us, he had grown again in just the extra day and a half and was towering over all of us.

He nuzzles me affectionately. "You okay?"

"I am now, now that I know you are okay." I hug his head as tightly as I can. "Where have you been?"

"Hunt." He looked over at the forest. "Need train."

"Train? For what?"

His golden eyes look back at me for a moment before turning to the mountain. "Smaug."

Fear struck me as I remembered what Gandalf had said, that Golden dragons fight the other kinds.

"Bow, you don't-"

But his gaze stopped me. He did have to. It was his nature to.

"We need go." This surprised me,as he wasn't talking to me, he was talking to Thorin.

Thorin stares at the golden dragon and slowly nods.

"We need to find the door."

Bow nods and takes to the air again and all I could do was watching, my worry increasing again.

"He knows what he is doing." Thorin says to me, giving my shoulder a squeeze. "Come, we must find the door before the sun sets."

Bilbo was lucky enough that he found the door and then we all had to work together to get to the top, Bow always hovering near by.

Getting inside proved to be the hard bit. Exhausted, I sat and watched the others try and figure it out. Bow sat up on the head of the giant dwarf statue we had climbed up, watching between me and the dwarves.

Night set in and the dwarves gave up. It almost broke me to see the look of devastation on Thorin's face and had I not been so tired, I would've tried to comfort him.

They were resigned to leaving.

"Wait." Bow hissed from above. "You need to wait."

And so, even with a heavy feeling in their hearts, they waited.

Moonlight shone upon the door and there were many exclamations as the key hole suddenly appeared.

The door was opened and for a moment we all stared in wonder.

We had made it.

"I know these halls." Thorin breathed, stepping inside, his hand brushing the wall.

I stared in awe, I didn't remember much of Erebor, having only been fairly young, but still, it felt like coming home.

Discussions were had and poor Bilbo found himself heading off alone into Erebor, the rest of us waiting outside. I found myself gently stroking Bow's head, trying to ease away the tension in my body.

A rumble went through the mountain, and Bow growled angrily.

It seemed Smaug had awoken.

Very reluctantly, Bow let us go into the mountain to try and save Bilbo, he was after all too big to come inside through the door.

We all quickly learned how out of our element we were, Smaug was fast and powerful and it was clear he knew Erebor as well as Thorin and Balin.

We thought we had him, drowning him in molten gold, but a dragons hide is tough and he proved that we were no match for him.

A bellowing roar met Smaug as he burst free from Erebor, and he stunned to find Bow crashing into him. I rushed to the exit, staring, terrified, as the two dragons clashed.

The glow from Bow grew brighter and next thing, fire burst free from his mouth, surrounding Smaug.

But Smaug seemed unaffected, bursting through the flame with an angry roar, his teeth crashing hard into Bow.


I tried to run forward, but a strong pair of hands grabbed me.

"Let me go!"

"There's nothing you can do."

"I said let me go."

But the grip tightened even as I struggled more.

"You need to let him do this, he is doing this, in part, for you."

A sob broke free from my chest and Thorin's arms circled around my waist to keep me still.

What I failed to realise was that Bow was getting as many hits against Smaug, as Smaug was against him. Smaug clearly hadn't been expecting something like this.

With a furious roar, he turns and flees towards Laketown, Bow following in close pursuit.

A new dread overtook me then, one for the people of Laketown. They would not stand a chance against two dragons.

Bow slammed into Smaug, sending him crashing into the city while he remained in the air above. Smaug was quick to recover and launched fire at him as he flew upward.

We were forced to watch as Laketown was slowly torn apart and burnt. We couldn't hear the screams, but we did not need to.

We all knew the pain of dragon fire.

I turned into Thorin, unable to watch anymore as I wrapped my arms around him and buried myself into chest. His own hold on me tightened, his face grim.

There were few words said as the battle continued. Bow would never attack in the direction of Laketown, but Smaug knew this and used it against him, always diving low to the city.

As it turned out, however, Bow was not Smaug's downfall. In the times that Smaug had flown low over the city, Bard had seen the missing scale on his chest, all it became was a matter of timing.

Smaug fell, his anguished cry filling the air even as the life left him.

I turned again, shocked as Smaug fell, but my eyes rested on bow, who was still in the air. Slowly, he turned and began flying back towards us.

I rushed to meet him as he landed hard onto the ground, wounds covering his body.

"Bow!" I cried, leaping over to him, my hands brushing over his face.

"I am alright." He was breathing slowly. "I just need to rest."

"Oh Bow, I'm sorry I dragged you into this." I sob, hugging him.

He let out a low comforted growl, his eyes shutting as he drifted into sleep. I would sit there with him, even when the other's insisted I come inside.

I would come to regret that decision later.

The conclusion in Part 4 is on its way!

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