Kili ~ Alone

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Freya rocked on her heels, waiting for an answer, she didn't want to look impatient, keeping her expression mercifully blank, but she knew it was starting to crack through.

Gandalf watched her with a small smile. "Eager to be out?"

Without thinking, she nods, stops and smiles. "Does it show?"

Gandalf chuckles but was cut off as the door opens and Elrond steps out.

He takes one look between Gandalf and Freya. "No."

"Why not?" Freya asked quickly before Gandalf can talk. "You know I know that road better than anyone else."

"No Freya." Elrond walks past but she follows. "This isn't some game and you are no where near-"

"Ready enough? Really?" She waits until he stops to turn and face her. "Ada, I think we both know that I more than ready. You cannot keep me here, I am restless and I think we both know it has been driving you just a little up the wall."

Gandalf had followed them and he shares a look with Elrond. "We could use a guide for the path."

"Don't give me that Gandalf," Elrond sighs. "Besides that, those dwarves will not accept her."

"Do I look bothered?" Freya asked quickly. "Honestly, I deal with that almost everyday-"

"Freya, I have given my answer." Elrond was stern now. "So you will stay and continue-"

"I will not stay." She said a little desperately. "Look, even if it's just to the mountain path and back, it's not like there's much in between. I'll be gone for a week tops. I just need to be out for a while."

Elrond is silent is silent for a long moment. "Freya, can you give Gandalf and I a moment?"



Rolling her eyes, she steps away. She moved out to a balcony and leaned heavily on it. Below, she could see a few of the dwarves walking and talking and she felt a pang of loneliness. It wasn't easy being a mixed race, half elf and half dwarf, and so far, she had never really felt at home in Rivendell, despite being raised there, and now that there were dwarves here, she couldn't help but be curious.

"Freya." She turns and Elrond beckons her over. A little hesitantly, she walks over and Elrond looks worried. "Do you promise to come home once you've led them to the mountain path."

A smile starts to tug at her. "Yes."

Elrond sighs. "Well...alright, but you must be careful."

She nods eagerly and then throws her arms around him. "Thank you Ada!"

He returns her hug, a smile hesitantly tugging at his mouth. "Stubbornly persistent as always."

"You hardly give me much choice." She laughs, now properly bouncing on her feet. "If you just agreed..."

Elrond rolled his eyes. "Alright, I get the hint. Now go on before I change my mind."

Beaming, Gandalf takes her under his arm.

She knew better than to expect the welcome from the dwarves would be warm, although she was somewhat surprised that some of them were at least polite, the ones not so eager were the elder members and they quickly questioned how well she knew the path ahead, especially as Gandalf was temporarily staying behind.

"I've gone through them enough times," She said easily to any doubts. "As much as you won't like it, I've made regular trips to Mirkwood with some of the others, far and few between, true, but I have a good memory of paths."

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