Eomer ~ Stay 4

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Celebration was well underway in Rohan.  It had been a year since Sauron had been defeated and Eomer decided that it was needed.

And he hadn't wasted time in drinking away.

I was busy talking away with Eowyn, who was happily married to Faramir, both of my brothers having joined us for the celebrations, when shouting got our attention.

We both looked over to where the men had gathered at a table, Eomer, Boromir and Faramir at the head, and others of higher rank around.

I noticed that it was Eomer who was talking, very animatedly to one of the others, and it didn't take long for the words to reach us.

"...look, say what you want about your wife, mine took down two mûmakil.  Two!  I'd like to see your wife try and do that!"

I sigh as Eowyn grins.  "I think he enjoys telling this story."

"I'm pretty sure everyone is Rohan knows it by heart now."  I mumble, causing her to laugh.

"So what if your wife isn't a warrior?  You were trying to outmatch me sir, so outmatch that!"  Eomer slams his tankard onto the table.

Faramir took a slow drink from his tankard.  "Mine defeated the Witch King."

A silence fell over the table and the two women looked at each other worriedly.

But then Eomer starts nodding enthusiastically.  "Yes, my sister did do that didn't she?  My my gentlemen, you really do have nothing on our wives."

An argument started, Boromir and Faramir joining in and I sigh again.

"Shall we defuse them?"  I ask Eowyn.

"Well, it's only going to end one way other wise."  She was still smiling.  "We have to do something useful these days don't we?"

I just return the smile and start over to Eomer, when he gets particularly loud, I decide I have to call out.


Eomer stops instantly, turning at the sound of my voice and beaming.

"Speaking of my wife," he says, holding out an arm so he can wrap it around my waist as I get close.  "Here she is.  Perhaps she can regale you the tale of the slain mûmakil?"

I place a hand on his shoulder, my smile warm, Eowyn moving to Faramir and joining him.  "Perhaps another time love, for now, I think I may call it a night."

Eomer looks a little down.  "Already?"

I laugh.  "You need to remember love, you are not the one who is five months pregnant."

His grin returns.  "This is true."  He splays his other hand over my slightly swollen stomach before planting a light kiss on it.  "I needn't tell this lot what a gift you have given me Sarena."

"I'm sure many know already."  I brush his hair back.  "Now, would you care to escort your wife to bed?  I'm sure you can continue your conversation when you return."

Eomer nods, and some of those a little more sober knew that Eomer would not return, including Faramir and Boromir, who just grinned.  Ever since he had found out I was pregnant, he had barely left my side, even after a few drinks, he was always there.

I bid everyone a good night and Eomer said he would return, before he took my arm and entwined our hands and led me from the room.

The truth was, I also knew Eomer liked to act drunk.  As King, he had a new found caution about him, especially with the last of Sauron and Saruman's forces around, and now with me bearing our first child, he was even more so.  The act was just so he could have some fun a bit, so the men could see him normally still, but it was always treated with control.

Sure enough, as we got out of earshot from the hall, he pressed his lips to my temple.

"Are you feeling alright?"  He asked softly.

"Yes love, just a little tired."  I smiled at him.  "It's just taken a lot out of me today."

We stopped in the shadow of our quarters and he kissed me fully, his lips eager on mine.

"Not too much I hope."  He said cheekily, pulling away.  "I don't think I've properly thanked you."

I laugh softly.  "You've thanked me plenty of times Eomer.  For many things."

"Well, let me thank you again."  He locked me in another kiss before I could do anything and it didn't take long before the kiss became more heated, his hands starting wonder.

Gently, I pushed him away.  "Not tonight Eomer.  Our little one really as taken it out of me."

He momentarily does a mock pout but then grins, kissing me lightly.  "I know love, I can see it in you."

He guides me into the room before helping me dress for bed.  Not that I needed it, but he insisted, before throwing his own night clothes on as well.

I climb into bed and he waits till I am comfortable before he joins me, his arm wrapping around me warmly.

I giggle.  "I take it our guests will not miss you?"

"They all know you are more important to me, Sarena."  Eomer lightly rubs my stomach, his eyes watching as it moves up and down the swell.

"You know I am more than capable of defending myself, I did kill two mûmakil after all."  I said, grinning.

He chuckles quietly and looks at me lovingly.  "Oh, I am well aware."  He presses his lips to mine.  "I hope you don't mind my constant bragging on your behalf."

I laugh.  "No dear Eomer, because it just reminds everyone that their queen is just as tough as their king, and they best not forget it."

He joins in my laughter, pulling me in close as he wraps the blankets tightly around us.

"Goodnight sweet Sarena."  He whispers to me, kissing me softly from my mouth to my jaw, where he settles, nuzzling into my neck.

"Goodnight Eomer, my love."  I return, entwining our legs and then fingers over my stomach and shutting my eyes, drifting quickly and peacefully into sleep.

Just a nice fluffy end.  Hope you all enjoy!  :)

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