Colours 3

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Those that knew Lili, knew she was terrified of trolls.  Her brothers had played a cruel prank on her when she younger, dressed as trolls, and she had an inexplicable fear ever since.

So being captured by trolls wasn't helping.

She'd been thrown in a sack, like the rest, landing on top of Thorin.

"Lili?"  Are you alright?"

Thorin could feel her shaking, her eyes wide and her mouth clamped shut, as if trying to stop herself from screaming.

"Lili, we will get out of this."  He promises, her eyes vivid shade of yellow.  "Just stay calm."

She had only agreed to come because Bilbo had been in trouble and she was not going to leave him to whatever fate the trolls had in store for him.  Only Thorin had been close enough at the time to see a pink tinge come into her eyes, something that he had never seen before.

But right now, the yellow was what was concerning him.

The trolls had tied some of the dwarves onto a spit and they were discussing whether there was room for one more.

"Here!  This tiny one will do!"

Lili's scream was shrill as the troll picked her up and there were instantly shouts from all the dwarves as she struggled, terrified.

"Bi' of a lively one."  The troll chuckles.

But Lili hadn't been totally unprepared for this as the bag she was shoved in suddenly split open and she crashed hard to the ground, a knife in her hand.  The trolls had stared at her and she used this, scrambling to her feet and bolting.

"Go Lili!"

"Get out of here!"

Her brothers and the others had shouted but she was already gone, even as the troll stormed after her into the forest it wasn't long till he returned empty handed.

"You idiot."  The cook troll growled.  "Couldn't even keep hold of a dwarf."

The troll mumbles something and it earns him a heavy hit to the head by the others.

Now the dwarves just had to worry about themselves.  Thorin was hoping that Lil would stay back, even with her fear he knew that she was as stubborn as the rest of them, especially when it came to family.

The trolls were once again discussing how to cook the dwarves, when Bilbo stood, surprising all of them.

Lili watched from the darkness of the surrounding forest and while none of the others seemed to understand what Bilbo was trying to do, she did.

So she used it to her advantage.

Picking up the nearest rock, she took careful aim, and threw with all her strength.

The rock hit one of the trolls in the eye and they squealed in pain.  Lili was quick to move as the three of them lumbered over, trying to work out where it had come from, Lili took another chance, grabbing another rock and launching it at them, hitting one sharply in the back of the head.

She dashes away again, she wanted to try and free some of the others but the trolls were making it difficult, now being smart enough to split up and search for her.  The dwarves were yelling at her to just run, but she sat quietly, hiding from the trolls.

Eventually, they gave up and return back to fire side.

"We'll deal with that later, now what were you saying about cooking dwarves?"

Lili looks out from her hiding spot, seeing Bilbo's pale face as the trolls turn back to him.  She was close to Thorin and all attention was on Bilbo, so she took a chance, virtually crawling as low as possible towards them.

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