Mist 2

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Despite learning more about her, Mist remained quite the enigma. She had no knowledge of how old she was, nor how she came to be, all she knew was that she had a drive to destroy the ring.

Her abilities were also unique, she could move in a small blink of blue light over short distances, and she also seemed to have a strange magical energy around her that neither Gandalf nor Elrond could place.

What shocked them most about her was in the council meeting, when the language of Mordor spilled from her lips.

"Never before had that language been uttered here." Elrond spoke softly once the shock had disappeared. "How do you know it?"

"I...I do not know." She said quietly, returning to her seat. "My apologies, it just came out."

It made them all a little more hesitant.

However, when the time came for a decision to be made on the ring, she stepped forward to join the quest.

"It would be foolish of me not to offer my services after hunting for it for so long." She says and then looks between Gandalf and Aragorn. "If you will have my help?"

The two share a look and Gandalf nods.

"You will be bound to this Mist, there is no turning back." He said carefully.

A weak smile comes to her lips. "I have little else to be bound to."

The quest began, Mist taking up the rear. It had taken a lot of convincing to the others that she should come along, and even more convincing that she should walk at the back.

Boromir especially did not like her.

"How do we know we can trust her?" He asked one night when Mist had disappeared to scout the area.

"We do not." Gandalf said carefully. "But as far as I see it, we have no choice. Whatever drives her, drives her to destroy the ring, and I believe that we can trust that."

Boromir grunts. "And her abilities? They are unnatural Gandalf."

Gandalf takes a long puff of his pipe. "I don't know if unnatural would be the right word."

They all stared at him.

He frowns. "Her ability to move like she can...it is very...wraith like. My guess is whatever happened to Mist in her past, hasn't left her entirely human."

This seemed to just make Boromir angrier. "Is that not enough reason not to trust her then?"

"She has made no threats and does not seem to be biding her time for anything." Aragorn interjects here. "And as much as I agree with you, I also agree with Gandalf. She had an opportunity with Frodo to take the ring and she did not."

Frodo nods. "I felt no threat from her. In fact, I am convinced I would of perished had she not intervened."

This seemed to settle them some, which turned to be a good thing as she returned.

One advantage that they could not deny was that because she did not seem to sleep, she took watch every night. It didn't mean that another could join her, but it meant if it had been a hard day, they could all rest.

Mist herself was nit oblivious to their concerns, but there was little she could say that would change their minds, as she knew any questions they asked she would very rarely have an answer for.

It was a few weeks into the quest however, that Mist convinced them all that she was on their side.

They'd made camp for the night and there was relative peace over the fellowship as it had been one of the easier days with calm weather and easy walking, so it had left them a little off guard.

A howl had cut through the night, making some of them nervous.

"It was a long way off." Aragorn said. "I doubt they will trouble us tonight."

But Mist had stood, listening. "It is not that one we should worry about."

"If any others were close by, they would have replied." Aragorn replied, seeing the nerves in the hobbits. "Sit down Mist, you are scaring the hobbits."

But Mist drew her bow, an arrow knocked quickly to the string. "These are no ordinary wolves."

Just then a growl went out and a large grey wolf stepped forward into the fire line, its eyes gleaming as it stared directly at Mist.

The others were on their feet in an instant but other growls stopped them as eight more wolves surrounded them.

"What do we do?" Boromir barely breathed.

Aragorn was watching Mist though, her eyes never left the alpha wolf.

It happened so fast they barely had a moment to blink, Mist fired her bow and then was gone on a brilliant flash of blue, the alpha howling in pain and soon the others joined him as a spark of blue flew past each one.

They bolted back into the night as Mist reappeared, her sword in hand dripping black blood.

"They will be back. I suggest building a fire circle and then making haste in the day. They will not hesitate to catch up when night is upon us again."

"How did you do that?" Gimli asked. "I've never seen anyone move so fast."

"You're lucky they weren't ringwraiths then, because that is the only thing it does not work on." She cleans her sword and sheaths it and briefly Aragorn caught the blue glow through the bandages on her hand. "But truthfully...I do not know. I just can." She looks around the darkness and it occurs to them for the first time that she can see in the dark. "I suggest someone join me in watch tonight, just to at least wake the others should anything happen."

They almost all joined, building their ring of fire and then surrounding the hobbits, who fell into fitful sleeps. The night passed without more trouble but none of them ever dared question her abilities again.

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