Thorin ~ Accidents 12

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Louisa felt better the longer she rode, but she still couldn't shake the feeling that something had gone wrong, that something wasn't quite right where she was going.

As she saw smoke on the horizon, she knew the feeling was correct.

She had followed her feelings all the wat to Lake Town, and now that she had, she wasn't entirely sure that it had been a good thing.

There was pain everywhere, enough to make her eyes water and seek out who was in charge.

It wasn't hard, Bard greeting her as she slowly rode through the people still trying to gather themselves.

"If it's Lake Town you seek, I'm afraid I have to disappoint you my lady."  He said.  "For this is all that is left of us."

Louisa jumped from her horse and looked around.  "What happened?"

Bard nods at the mountain.  "Dwarves came for their mountain and awoke the dragon within.  Smaug then lay waste to my people."

It hurt to breath and Louisa knew that she had to start somewhere, had to help.  "I am Louisa, I want to help if I can.  There are those that are in dire need of healing."

Bard frowns, recognising her name but also confused by her statement.  "I am Bard my lady, but I do not see how one person can help heal so many."

Louisa looked at him, felt the tiredness and ache threatening to overwhelm him, the bruises and cracked bones he was fighting to ignore.

Taking a step forward, she focuses, touching his arm gently and letting her magic go forth.  "I have a gift Bard, and I wish to help where I can."

Bard blinks, the ache disappearing from him as she glows a little, her eyes lighting up.  "So it seems.  Tell me, my lady, I don't suppose you knew those dwarves?"

Louisa nods, stepping back.  "I do."

She feels his concern for this, his face grim.  "They spoke highly of you, in the words I heard, but I wouldn't recommend going after them, I don't think you will find much left."

Louisa's heart ached at this but she shakes her head.  "In due time Master Bard, for now, I must help your people."

Louisa helped Bard to get his people moving, those that needed healing most, she tended to, but it was hurting her that she couldn't do anything against the emotional and mental trauma that the people had gone through.  More than once, she had to hide the tremble in her hands and blink the tears away from her eyes.

Reaching Dale was almost a relief, as people eased a little, happy that there was somewhere that they could rest for the night, even if the city was a stark reminder of their past and what had not long happened to them.

She didn't stop, healing where she could, and it wasn't Bard found her leaning heavily against a wall that he saw the tole it was taking on her.

"Louisa, you need to rest."  He said quietly, taking her arm to help her straighten.  "You have done enough tonight."

"There is danger coming Bard," Louisa's voice was quiet, exhausted, her eyes half closed.  "I could not live with myself if I had not done all that I could."

"You have," He assured her.  "My people will rest easier here and with less losses because of your help.  You are no good to us exhausted and I'm sure your friends would not wish to see you this way."

Louisa shudders.  "Something is wrong inside that mountain."

Bard looks at her, very concerned, but he realises by the distant look in her eyes exactly how exhausted she is.  "Come on Louisa, let's find somewhere for you to rest."

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