Mist 3

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Snow was falling heavily on the mountain and everyone was as rugged up as the could be.  Boromir and Aragorn helping the hobbits through the snow.

Legolas and Mist had walked ahead, both seeming to be so light on their feet, they did not sink waist deep into the icy whiteness.

"I've only ever known elves to bear such a gift."  He said to her as they walked.

Mist shrugged.  "I do not think regular rules apply to me."

He observes her and slightly raises an eyebrow.  "Clearly."

They return to the others, but only with tidings of the storm growing worse.

"We have no choice, we must continue!"  Gandalf calls and leads them on, Legoas staying near the front while Mist returns to the back.

But not even she could warn them of what would happen next.

With a fell voice in the air, the mountain seemed to come crashing down around them.

No one was spared the torrent of snow that fell down upon them, and it was with panicked breathes and raised voices that the decision was made to enter the Mines of Moria.

Neither Gandalf or Mist were pleased about this.

She approaches Gandalf after they had made their way back off the mountain and taking a very quick rest, Aragorn and Boromir having had to carry the hobbits through the tall snow.

"You know as well as I do what is in those mines Gandalf."  She said quietly to him.

Gandalf slowly looks at her, a slight frown on his forehead.  "How do you know what is in the mines?"

"There may be a lot I do not know of myself Gandalf, but I know lurks in the darkness of those tunnels and caves, and I know it will not take kindly to our presence if it finds out."  Her hand unconsciously clenches on her sword and she lets out a hard breath of air as if to steady herself.  "If we are to do this, we will need to be swift and silent."

He was still observing her and notices Legolas saying quick words to Aragorn, who was watching them.  Gandalf nods.  "I am aware Mist, that was my intention."

"No, your intention was to go through the mountain pass.  We are unprepared for this."  She was clearly agitated.  "But now we have no choice.  We must make haste there, those wolves will not take long to pick up our scent."

She starts walking before any of them can stop her and they all make haste to follow, knowing that she seemed to be able to recognise when danger was close to them.

They made it to the door with the wolves howls on their heels, following the bank hastily to where Gandalf knew the hidden door was.  Legolas, Aragorn and Mist watched the far end intently, making sure no wolves approached, while Gandalf tried to open the door.

The hobbits threw stones into the lake to pass the time and ease their nerves.

Mist watched a stone throw out to the middle of the lake from the corner of her eye.

"Do not!"  She said suddenly, as Merry went to throw another.  "There is darkness is that water.  We do not want to disturb it."  Her gaze the moves to Gandalf.  "How are we going?"

Gandalf just continued to stare at the door, frustrated.

With her own grumble, Mist marched forward, much to the surprise of everyone, and placed her bandaged hand on the hidden door.  Her hand started to glow, which seeped into the door, the runes lit by moonlight starting to burn brighter.

Then, to all their amazement, the door opened.

Mist's hand clenched as she lowered it and stared into the inky blackness beyond.  "Let's go."

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