Thorin ~ Magic 2

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Kesia hadn't spoken to Gandalf in weeks, absolutely furious at him for the spell he had put over her and Thorin.

On the other side, her and Thorin also had not spoken, but that was only because now they did not need to.

They had both learnt quickly to build a mental wall between each other, but it was a lot harder keeping it up, often breaking through at inopportune times.

If only there was a way we could reach Erebor quicker, who knows when this hidden door will appear.

Do you ever stop brooding?

Mahal's breath woman, stay out of my head.

You don't make it easy.

Well you just need to have better defence.

They hadn't fought anywhere near as much. Somehow, being able to read each others thoughts, had brought about a level of respect, although, it still didn't mean they didn't get on each others nerves.

The Company of course, besides Gandalf, knew nothing and simply thought that the two had finally just agreed not to talk.

Kesia was still determined to break the spell, spending her nights focused on the magic. Thorin had tried to ask her how she had knowledge of such things, but she would never answer.

Finally, Kesia spoke to Gandalf again.

"Look," She says, sitting next to him. "I know we've never had the best relationship, but is this really necessary?" She frowns at him. "I mean, come on Gandalf, all these weeks have been enough."

Gandalf shakes his head. "As I said, you two need to learn to be civil, or you can rid the spell yourself."

"I can't." She snaps. "I've been trying. You keep saying it's easy, but it's not."

"Kesia, I told you, from very early on, that magic was in your blood. It is not my fault you chose to ignore it." Gandalf says knowingly. "You can say all you wish that it's chaotic when it happens, but you just need to learn control."

Kesia sighs impatiently and storms away, Thorin wincing as her furious thoughts break through again.

Bilbo watches her before looking back at Gandalf, noting the concern on his features.

"Gandalf?" He asks slowly and the wizard looks at him. "Are you and Kesia related?"

Gandalf looks surprised and Thorin could tell Kesia was listening, as all her thoughts had suddenly frozen and she stood dead still at the edge of camp.

"What would make you say that Bilbo? Kesia and I have simply known each other a long time." Gandalf fidgets slightly.

Bilbo shakes his head. "The way you two interact, it's very much how a family would, distant at time but close at others. There's also...similarities between you two that aren't hard to miss."

Gandalf seemed almost at a loss of words, thinking on what to say. Silence had fallen over camp, everyone listening and waiting for his response.

"Well, we spent a lot of time together, it's only natural that you pick up similar habits."

"I wasn't talking about habits Gandalf, I was talking about looks."

I do not look like him. The thought passed through Kesia's mind before she could stop it.

"Oh, so you are related?" Thorin says out loud without thinking.

"No." She says too quickly, turning. "We are not."

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