Thorin ~ Accidents 9

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Louisa was storming ahead of Gandalf, fury in her step, Gandalf looking a little worried.

"Louisa please," Gandalf said, his long legs easily matching her step.  "This isn't-"

"I am not in the mood Gandalf," She snapped, Sirius whimpering away at her back, his head poking out the bag.  "I told you I did not want to touch it."

"I was simply trying to help you understand."

She stops and rounds on him.  "I understood fine.  I could feel the darkness coming off of that dagger, especially enough to know that I did not want to touch it."

Gandalf grips her shoulder.  "Louisa, this world is not just as you've seen it, there are terrible things out there, even more terrible that what you can imagine, things I need you to be prepared for."

Louisa holds his gaze.  "I can be prepared enough in my own time Gandalf.  I don't need more forced on me than what I've already got."

She pushes past him, continuing top walk, Gandalf sighing after her.

They hadn't been walking long when Louisa freezes, Gandalf almost running into her along the mountain path.


"They're in trouble."  She said suddenly before taking off, Gandalf hurrying after her.

"Louisa wait."

"We don't have time to wait Gandalf."  Louisa said.  "I knew leaving those dwarves by themselves was a bad idea."

"Louisa, we cannot just walk into whatever situation that they have got themselves into."  Gandalf said after her.  "We need to stop for a-"

Louisa stopped and Gandalf almost gave a sigh of relief before she was ducking inside a small opening in the side of the mountain, Gandalf having to hurry after her and grab her before she could continue.

"These are goblin tunnels," He said quietly, gently pushing Sirius's head down so he was hidden.  "We do not have the luxury of abandoning caution here.  Stay close."

Louisa grit her teeth, but followed.

The paths ahead were empty, sounds drifting down the halls telling them that they were almost entirely in one place.

Louisa had fear biting at her and bit her lip hard to stop herself from telling Gandalf to hurry up, the dwarves clearly in trouble.

Light broke the tunnel and her and Gandalf paused.

The dwarves were on a platform being taunted by the Goblin King.  Louisa's heart was in her throat as she saw Thorin was before them all, keeping himself held proud, but Louisa wasn't fooled.

He was scared and as nervous as the rest of them.

"Well, certainly not the best situation to be in, is it?"  Gandalf muttered.  "Louisa, stay here and-"

Gandalf had gone to look at her, but Louisa had already slipped past him, walking closer to the dwarves, Gandalf cursing and following.

Louisa knew the goblins wouldn't notice her, knew they were too focused on what could potentially happen to the dwarves.  Her stomach twisted as she could feel the cruelty and malice of the creatures, but she forced it down, entirely focused on the company, even ignoring Gandalf as he followed behind her.

Her heart almost stopped when goblins started swarming Thorin, a call form the Goblin King ringing through her ears.

Louisa hardly registered her reaction, rushing forward and sending out a burst of light through the air, one that sent the goblins flying and everyone else to the ground.

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