Thorin ~ Magic 7

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White light filled the air, the spiders shrieked and scattered, and Kesia stood, breathing heavily, her hair filled with web.

The dwarves stared at her, relaxing slightly.

"Are you alright?" Thorin asked her.

"I've had better days." She gasps and grips her side, wincing.

They can all see the blood.

They were all about to rush to her, to see what they could do, when the spiders retured.

But they did not need to raise arms, elves appearing to clear out the spiders before the weapons turned on them.

Kesia stood between the leader and Thorin, her green eyes dark. "Lower your weapon, we are of no threat to you."

The leader stared Kesia down. "And what would one such as you be doing traveling with dwarves?"

Kesia felt the nerves from the dwarves behind her and she licks her lips. "Something of little concern to you, Legolas son of Thranduil. We are simply passing through."

Legolas's eyes narrowed. "Then you will be taken before the king."

Kesia sighs. "We do not have time-" She cuts herself off, her arm tightening around her waist as she groans, her legs buckling slightly.

Thorin stood with her. "She needs aid, she is badly wounded."

"Damn spiders, I hate spiders..." She mutters, clutching onto his shoulder to keep herself up.

"Then she shall recieve it in Mirkwood." Legolas said and starts giving orders for them all to be searched.

Do not expect Thranduil to take kindly to our presense. She said to him.

You know him?

We...may have met once. It did not go well.

I suppose you have the same way with others as Gandalf.

You're only just noticing that now?

Kesia falls silent, the pain radiating from her side. Thorin wanted to help her but the elves insisted that they walk single file, but he always helped if she stumbled.

Inside, the others were thrown into cells while Kesia and Thorin were dragged before the King.

Kesia scowls as Thranduil gives her a once over.

"It is a good thing we found you, I doubt your current company would be able to do much for a wound like that." Thranduil said calmly, looking down at them from his throne.

"And yet they were willing to rush to my side when I was injured and you simply sit there and stare." She snarls. "Don't give me nonsense Thranduil, I do not have the patience."

Thorin swears that a smirk threatened to take over the elven kings lips.

"Well, daughter of the earth, I do not see the harm in asking you a few questions first." He said.

A series of curses flew through Kesia's head, some that had Thorin a little stunned, but she keeps her expression passive.

"Ask away, but you have no garantee that I will answer, no matter my condition."

Thranduil sighs, resting his head an an elegant hand. "This would be much easier if you cooperated Kesia, you do realise that?"

"Naturally. But if you indeed to make my life difficult then I shall make yours even more so, wounded or not."

Thranduil rolls his eyes and his gaze rests on Thorin. "How do you put up with her?"

"A lot of patience." Thorin growls. "But I don't see how that has anything to do with helping her."

Something flashed in Thranduil's eyes and he gazed between the two of them.

"I see." He said quietly, causing both of them to tense. "Perhaps it is not her I should be asking the questions of?"

Do not fall for it. She warned but Thorin had already set his jaw.

"And what is that supposed to mean?" He growls as Kesia sighs. "You would dare let her suffer on the grounds of simply asking us questions? That is torture."

"On the contrary, you are giving me the answers I seek now." The smirk was evident this time. "Although the questions I really want answered cannot simply be read."

"So then ask them. Stop toying with us." Kesia snaps, cutting Thorin off.

Thranduil's grin widened. "Daughter of the earth, you have become even more rash than whe we last spoke. It is endearing as always."

"I've already turned you down once Thranduil, I'm sure that's enough embarresment for one century." She said coldly.

"You what?" The words were out of Thorin's mouth before he could stop them and Kesia winces.

Thranduil just looks amused. "Indeed. Although I find that very amusing given your present company."

Kesia just stares him down as Thorin looks between them, a heavy frown creasing his forehead.

You failed to mention there was anything between you and the elf.

There is not.


There is nothing, Thorin. As much as he would like to think so. As for not mentioning it, I did not see it as necessary .

Thranduil leans forward in his throne. "I will offer my help, after all, there is something that I too desire in that mountain. White gems of pure starlight."

Thorin growls. "If you think I would trust the great King Thranduil, even if the end of all days should be upon us, then you are gravely mistaken."

Thranduil's stunned gaze went from Thorin to Kesia, but Kesia just shrugs. "Do not look to me, he is the leader of this company. I have no say."

Not entirely true. Thorin growls in her ear.

You are saying that you want me to disagree with you on this?

Of course not.

Then what is the issue?

"I see." Thranduil said slowly, looking thoughtful. "I clearly underestimated your abilities daughter of the earth."

Kesia grits her teeth. "Stop calling me that."

"But that is what you are-"

"Do I look like I give a damn-"

"Yes." He said, his expression still very calm. "You wear your heart on your sleeve too much Kesia. It is what slows you down."

Kesia scowls at him and goes to retort but is forced to grit her teeth instead, her arm tight on her side. The pain was clear on her face as she draws in deep breaths to try and steady herself. Thorin goes to step towards her but finds a guard suddenly in his way.

"Leave her be." Thranduil said. "She will be taken care of by professional hands."

Thorin can do little but watch as the guards take her away, her face very pale.

I will be alright. She said to him as she disappeared. They wouldn't dare do anything overly bad, after all, they would then face the wrath of both my parents.

This gave Thorin little comfort as he turns back to Thranduil, noticing that his full attention was now on him.

Thranduil grins. "Now, where were we?"

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