Boromir ~ Younger

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Legolas hadn't been impressed when Thranduil insisted that he take you along, and he was even less impressed when you too offered to go on the quest to destroy the ring.

"I have as much right as you brother."  You said curtly.  "Besides, Father said I wasn't to leave your side."

"Father shouldn't have let you come in the first place."  Legolas said as he watched you pack.

"Why? Because you don't like the fact your little sister might stand you up?"  You smirked at him as he looked even more annoyed.  "Come on Legolas, it'll be useful having me around."

"Until I have to save you."  He growls.

"Please, we're not children anymore."  You roll your eyes.  "Relax, besides, Elrond has already agreed."

Legolas snorts and leaves you be, but it didn't mean he let up about it for most of the quest.

The other one didn't come across as please, was Boromir.

"Do you have any idea how distracting you are?"  He asked one day, where you had Gimli and Aragorn in stitches after you had told them a tale of when you and Legolas were younger.

"What?"  You asked through your own laughter.

Boromir frowns.  "You're a distraction."

"Oh?  I didn't realise you'd be interested in an elf Boromir."  You said with a smile, one that had Boromir's face turning red and Aragorn and Gimli laughing harder and Legolas frowning darkly at Boromir.

"That's not what I meant."  Boromir denied.  "Simply that are very loud for an elf."

You shrug.  "No, I just still have a sense of humour."  You nod at the four hobbits.  "I'm no louder than them."

Merry and Pippin grinned, it hadn't taken them long to taken a shine to you and you to them.

You then caught Legolas's look.  "Oh relax Legolas, I am more than capable of dealing with things on my own."

Legolas looked at you.  "Sure."

"I mean it."  You said, your tone the most serious it had been on the quest.  "You are not father."

He rolled his eyes.  "Nor would I ever want to be, but you know nothing of this."

"I mean it Legolas, I can deal with things on my own."  You snapped in elvish and turned away from your brother, leaving camp, mumbling something about getting more firewood for the night.

This confused Legolas,  but left Aragorn smiling.  "Y/N has grown tough over the years Legolas, perhaps you should ease off of her a bit."

"She still doesn't understand."  Legolas said frowning.  "Nor will she if she keeps this up."

"That lass understands more than you give her credit for."  Gimli said.  "And I'd ease up on her unless you want that bow of hers pointed at you."

This just irritated Legolas more, especially from the dwarf who seemed so distrustful towards him, but not you.  "Let me deal with my own family issues thank you."

For all Legolas's efforts though, it just pushed you further away.

Despite your comments to Boromir, you began to spend more time with him.  You weren't going to tell anyone, but you felt a little sorry for him, about all that he and his people had gone through, and you could see the torment it was having on him with the belief that he was unable to help his people.

So you made it your goal to help him see otherwise.

He was hesitant at first, unsure as to why you would be paying him extra attention, but once he realised you meant no ill will, he relaxed a little, starting to open up more about himself.

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