Smaug ~ Human

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So, this ended up quite longer than what I normally do and I'm not 100% sure about how it ended up.  I can't say I'm a huge fan of writing Smaug and not entirely sure I would again, but hopefully you guys still enjoy.  Let me know your thoughts.

You stared wide eyed at the gold before you, unlike anything you had ever seen or even dreamed of before.

Not that gold was your purpose here, the truth was, you didn't entirely understand why you were here in the first place.  You'd woken up in a strange room with no recollection as to how you ended up there.

You had a feeling that you were being watched.

Cautiously, you step back, knowing if there was a way out, it would be well away from this chamber.

"Going so soon?"

The voice sent an involuntary shudder down your spine.

"I would've thought a thief to be more brazen than that?"

"I am no thief."  You said indignantly.  "I have interest in gold."

"Liar."  The voice purred.  "All who have stepped in here have had an interest in my gold."

You swallowed, despite your fear and misunderstanding, the gold was drawing.

"Come closer, thief, lest I hunt you through these halls."

You weren't sure why, but your feet carried you forward, down the stairs until you stopped just before the mountains of gold.


The gold began to shift before you and you watched with wide eyes as the sleek red form of a dragon began to appear, gold pouring from his scaly body as he had been well buried.  Glowing orange eyes looked at you as he stretched his wings back, his tail curling around, effectively cutting off any escape.

"So, what now, thief?"  He growled, low and menacing.  "How do you choose to die?"

You swallow hard, your heart racing.  "Uh...I don't?  As I said, I have little interest in your gold, great dragon.  I simply want to know why I am here."

This seemed to confuse him and he lowered his head more to survey you.  "You do not know who I am?"


He snorts, the blast of hot air making you stagger back.  "How naive, to steal from a dragon and not know his name."

"I already said-"

"I heard."  He growled louder this time.  "And I do not believe you. have my curiosity."  He takes a moment to think.  "Very well, human, you will live beyond this moment, for how long, I cannot say, but let us talk on a more level setting."

You were about tell him your name, feeling it a bit rude, but then an odd glow formed around him.

Again, you found yourself watching with wide eyes as his body started to change, getting smaller and smaller, his claws becoming hands, his wings a billowing red cloak that wrapped around his human shifting body.  The only thing to remain the same was his eyes, glowing at you from a surprisingly handsome face.

This time, you weren't overly sure you could speak.

This clearly amused him.  "I am a man of no simple magic, or perhaps I am no longer a man at all, I truly do not remember, not that it matters."  He strides forward and even in this form he towers over you, a blackish red hair slicked back.  "But you have now seen what few will ever see, my human form."

You simply nod, trapped between fear and amazement.

"I am Smaug." He gives what should have been a curtly bow but it came off as arrogant, showing that he had the power here.  "And you are little thief?"

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