Thorin ~ Battleborn

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This is eventually going to lead into this imagine:

Honestly, she hadn't intended to rock up at the door in this condition, she'd intended for it to be a surprise not a plea for help.

So she knocked on the door with a strong sense of trepidation.

It was Gandalf that answered.

He frowns down at her.  "Evanna?"

There was a loud crash before she could speak and they both looked at the other doorway as Thorin dashed out.

He looked livid.

Evanna smiles slightly.  "Hi Thorin."

"Evanna, what do you think-"  He froze, staring at the hand clenched over her shoulder, where blood was soaking her armour.

"I truly hadn't intended to arrive like this."  She said earnestly.  "But, by lack of luck, I ran into an orc patrol.  They're worse off than me-"

Thorin had marched forward, grabbing her arm and pulling her in, shouting for Oin in the progress.

"It's not that bad."  She grumbled as they began to fuss.

Thorin glared at her.  "You were meant to stay in Ered Luin, with Dis."

Evanna scoffs.  "Dis is more than capable of taking care of herself."

"That's besides the point-"

"Plus, she agreed that I should come along too."

"Why do you never listen to me when I give you an order?"

"I do, except when I disagree with it."

"Which is all the time."

"No, just most of the time."

Dwalin gives a quiet chuckle to himself as the two continue to argue.  It had been like this for a lot of years now and he couldn't see it changing any time soon.

Evanna had been an orphan after her mother was killed during a battle.  She, herself, was born during the battle, aptly earning her the last name Battleborn.

On her own for the early years of her life, she was known for trouble.

It was probably part of the reason why a General decided to adopt her.

The other reason, was because she loved to fight.

She had a natural ability for it, one she was more than willing to prove  time and time again.

That was how she met Thorin and Dwalin.  The General quickly realised she was going to need more than just regular training, so he arranged for her to be trained with those of higher stasis.

And she thrived in it.

The three of them became close friends quickly, and with a natural competitiveness between them, they were always trying to outdo each other.

As they got older, Dwalin had soon realised he was being a little left behind Thorin and Evanna, and at first it had bothered him, until he had seen a look from Thorin to her.

They'd been having a drink and she was talking animatedly about something, and at first Dwalin had been listening to her, but then he had seen Thorin.

His blue eyes were watching her over the top of his mug of ale, and Dwalin had recognised the look immediately.

He loved her.

Dwalin had then taken it upon himself to have a very lengthy discussion with Thorin, in which Thorin proceeded not to talk to him for a week.

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