Kili ~ Alone 4

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Freya brushed Kili's hair back with a worried frown, clearly exhausted from all the pain he'd been in, his breathing shallow.

Tauriel tied off Kili's wound, watching her out of the corner of her eye.  "He should be fine now."

Freya looks up and let's out a slow breath.  "Thank you.  I could not have done that without your help."

"You hold too little faith in yourself."  Tauriel said quietly.  "It was not I that healed him."

Freya blushed and looked back at Kili.

It had felt like a long road here.  Freya had traveled with Legolas until they came across Tauriel on the road, who had given her an odd look, not trusting her originally.

"Freya is with us Tauriel."  Legolas assured her.  "Despite what father said."

Tauriel nods once.  "Then we must hurry, who knows how far the orcs are, they may have already reached your friends.

Freya had held back her fear and followed after the two elves.  Her heart raced as she ran, wanting nothing more than to see if her friends were alright.

To see if Kili was alright.

She had never felt so relieved when she saw Laketown, knowing that this would be where the dwarves had ended up, but when she saw the orcs, silently entering the city, she knew that there was trouble brewing.

Between the three of them, they quickly took out the stragglers, silent, until a scream cut through the air, leading them to a certain house.

Freya had almost stopped dead when she saw Kili, his face grey and clearly in a lot of pain as he struggled to fight off an orc. With a cry, she had been by his side, taking out the orc and then helping Legolas and Tauriel clear the room.

It almost seemed like it was over too quickly.

"Come Freya! Come Tauriel! We need to make sure that they cannot warn the others!" Legolas called hurrying from the room.

Freya hadn't listened, her eyes locked on Kili as Fili rushed over to him, helping him off the floor.

Tauriel saw the look on Freya's face and the terror in the other dwarves in the room. She approaches Freya and rests a hand on her shoulder. "Come, we can heal him."

Elrond had taught Freya to heal, but she had never expected to have to use it, nor to be any good at it.  She didn't say anything, but she was terrified to do this.

Yet the dwarves watching saw a different view, watching in awe as Freya chanted with Tauriel, light seeming to surround them.

"I'm sorry we had to leave Legolas."  Freya said quietly, watching Kili's breathing even out.

"He will be fine."  Tauriel said.  "Besides, I have a feeling this was much more important to you."

A blush covers her cheeks, giving a small smile.  "I couldn't leave him like that."

Tauriel nods and moves to the door, keeping a look out.

Fili approaches Freya.  "Are you alright?"

Freya nods.  "Yes, Legolas got me out of there before Thranduil could do anything."

Fili watches her, her eyes distant.  "Thank you Freya."

She smiles warmly.  "It is of no problem Fili, I couldn't just leave him like that..."  She trails off as a rumble goes around, causing everyone to look around terrified.  When it settled, she looked back at him.  "We would be wiser to be away from here, but I fear to move him yet."

Fili's face was grim.  "The others...they can handle this.  We will be fine."


He shakes his head.  "We will be fine."

Freya goes to argue, but is stopped as Kili's hand gently touches hers and she meets his half closed eyes, a small smile tugging at his lips.  "You found us..."

"You need to rest Kili."  Freya takes his hand fully.  "You've been through a lot."

"I didn't think you would..."  He continued.  "Almost...everyone..."

"Hush Kili,"  She squeezes his hand.  "I'm here, I'm staying, but you need to stay down for a little bit.  You were-"

"They wouldn't go find you."  He said, his thumb brushing along her hand.  "I begged, but they wouldn't go..."

Freya watched with shining eyes as Kili's eyes close again, still holding onto her hand.  She meets Fili's gaze, who looks grim.

"Uncle wouldn't let us."  He said quietly.  "It didn't matter what we said."

Freya sighs.  "I guess I will forever be cursed by my blood."

Fili frowns.  "We trust you Freya."

"Then you would be one of the few who do."  Freya's voice held a slight bitter note.  "It is okay, I'm used to it."

"Legolas does not seem to mind."

Freya's gives Fili a slow look, a little confused at first until she saw the question in his gaze.

"He took the time to get to know me,"  She said carefully.  "To become my friend, much like you and Kili.  Like you two, he didn't listen to the prejudices of our people, sadly, there is a fair distance between the two homes, so I do not get much time with one of my true friends, but that is the way it must be."

"I would just hate for Kili to get hurt Freya, that's all."

Freya looks indignant. "I would-could never hurt Kili, Fili, it would kill me if I ever did."

"I believe you."  Fili holds her gaze.  "I have no right to say what my brother feels, but I believe you."

"As do I lass."  Bofur spoke up.

"Aye."  Oin nods in agreement.  "You don't need to worry about us."

Freya smiles.  "Thank you, although I do not feel I've earned it."

"You've earned it from all of us."  Fili said firmly.  "Whether they know it yet or not."

She chuckles weakly as another rumble comes from the mountain.  "It may mean little if Smaug is unleashed."

They sit in an uncomfortable silence, Bard's children huddled together and Tauriel still at the door.  They weren't sure whether more needed to be said, but as Freya's hand remained firmly held in Kili's, the other three dwarves made a promise to not allow them to be kept apart.

No matter who said otherwise.

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