Boromir ~ Shield

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I was sick of hearing the argument that I was a nuisance, they had been at it for what felt like hours.

Finally, I had ultimately had enough.

Drawing my sword, Aragorn and Boromir look at me.

"Come on then, Captain of Gondor, let's see how much of a distraction I'll be when I kick your arse." I snarled.

"Put your sword away Mika, you are not helping." Aragorn says as calmly as he can, seeing the fire in my eyes.

I had always had a temper, people often saying that Aragorn had got the peace while I had the fire, and as twins, I didn't often disagree with that statement.

"Aragorn, this is clearly a doubt of my skill, not me being a distraction." I said angrily. "I may be a woman but I can weild a blade as well as any man."

"Aramika, please." He only ever used my full name when situations like this arose.

But I ignored him, glaring at the blue eyed Captain of Gondor, as he was sizing me up.

"Very well, ranger." He scowled. "I will make you a deal. You win, you can join us on this little quest and I will say no more. I win, you stay behind."

"Done." I spat, having no doubt of my skill with a blade.

Aragorn's shoulders slump in defeat and disapproval. "Just don't hurt each other, we have a long quest ahead."

I really did want to cleave the man's head off, but seeing as I was technically second in line for the throne, it probably wouldn't have looked too good.

Boromir drew his sword and sheild, facing me intently. Aragorn steps away, knowing that this could get rough. He had no doubt of my skill, or Boromir's, but he knew we were both hot headed enough to possibly not pay attention to our surroundings.

I went in, my patience at its end, and he deflected the first blow easily with his shield, following quickly with his sword. He clearly wanted to end the fight quickly, but there was no way I was going to allow that.

It seemed to take hours, the fight went on and on, until we were both sweating and breathing heavily, but neither was backing down. Honestly, I was a little stunned that I hadn't beat him yet, and it was clear he was the same.

Aragorn was still standing to the side, having been joined by Legolas and Gandalf.

"Are you two done yet?" He asked.

"Shut up Aragorn." I snarled, flicking my sweaty hair out of my eyes. "Let me handle it."

Again we clashed, but this time was different, we both knew it, and as steel rang against steel, the fight suddenly stopped.

My blade was at his throat.

His blade was at my heart.

Gasping for air, we stared at each other.

Gandalf looked impressed and gives a smile. "I do believe that is a draw."

Aragorn sighs. "As I said it would be."

Boromir and I hadn't moved and Aragorn rolled his eyes.

"Come on you two, enough." He steps up to us and gently puts his hands on both blades. "I think you have both proved your worth to the other, so can we start planning to leave?"

Boromir steps back, sheathing his sword and giving a slighty polite bow. "Of course. Apologies my lady, I meant no disrespect."

I snort and rest my blade up on my shoulder. "Sure, but don't start calling me my lady or I really will cleave your head off."

Aragorn rolls his eyes as Legolas and Gandalf shake their heads.

"Don't mind her Boromir, she's a sore loser." Legolas said with a grin my way.

"I am not and nor did I lose, thank you very much." I snapped.

"Aramika, go clean yourself up." Aragorn says, seeing my eyes flash dangerously. "Before you start another fight."

"I didn't-" But Aragorn's glare stopped me and I let out an impatient huff. Turning to Boromir, I too bowed. "Well fought Captain." And stormed away.

It was true that I was a sore loser, Legolas knew from experience after I challenged him to an archery match where I lost spectacularly. Then proceeded not to speak to him for a week.

I couldn't help it, with a brother who was due to be king, I was bound to be a little competitive so as not to be overshadowed. Not that he did it intentionally, he'd cared for me a lot over the years.

With nothing else to do but wait until we left Rivendell, I went to the only spot that would clear my head, the library.

Growing up, it had been my place of refuge. Elrond had been more than happy to help me learn and thus I knew a fair bit of lore and history. Even now, all the old books had a comforting feel to them and I ran my fingers over several as I decided what to read.

An intake of breath told me I wasn't alone.

Turning, I met the blue eyes that I had been fighting earlier.

Trying not to be annoyed, I nodded in acknowledgement. "Boromir."

"Aramika." He replies.

The silence becomes awkward so I turn back to the books, picking out one that I had read many times before.

"You fight well." He said, clearing his throat as he does.

"You don't have to make conversation with me just because we are in here together." I said, flicking through the pages. "But thank you. As do you."

His footsteps echo and I turn as his hands grip the book, pulling it away so as I look at him.

"I...I do not want bad blood between us. We have a long way to go after all." He says it slowly and carefully, as if he was still thinking this through.

"I bare no ill will Boromir, you are not the first man to underestimate me and I doubt you will be the last." I looked at his nervous expression. It had been several hours since our fight, but he still looked flushed. "Are you feeling alright?"

"What?" He frowns at my question.

"You look very red still, are you feeling alright?"

His face went an even darker shade of red, and he nods, stepping away and avoiding my eye.

"Of...of course." He clears his throat again and then holds the book. "I, um, I'm sorry, I just...I just wanted you to know, if you should have need of it, you have my shield."

When I didn't take the book, he puts it down and leaves with a slight bow. I stood there stunned, not entirely sure what to make of his offer and his behaviour.

It was certainly going to be an interesting journey.

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