Thorin ~ Battleborn 10

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Dwalin thought back now and regretted his words to himself instantly.

This was wrong.  It was all wrong.

They had gone to Erebor, Fili, Kili, Oin and Bofur left behind, Evanna the one to let Fili stay with his brother.

At Erebor they found the dragon.

There was running, shouting, fire and thick smoke filling the halls from Smaug as he tried to kill the dwarves.

But the dwarves were undeterred.

"Oi!  You big ugly lizard!  Come and get me!"

All heads had turned at the shout, Evanna standing by herself, sword at the ready, fire in her eyes.

Smaug stared at her.

"Yeah, I'm talking to you!"  She shouted, not taking any notice as Dwalin had to yank Thorin back.  "You fat slug!  You're nothing but an unintelligent, overgrown worm!  You-"

Evanna dodged at the last minute as a ball of fire blast her way, it was so hot she had felt the ends of her hair singe.

But she had got what she wanted.

Smaug charged after her, distracting him from the others, Dwalin dragging Thorin away.

He would never forget the sound of Thorin's voice as he called back for her.

Evanna wasn't about to go down that easily though, as they relit the forges and Smaug burst through, she had somehow made way up high in the carts, cutting the ropes at the same time as Bifur and Gloin, effectively tangling the dragon, giving them time.

Dwalin was glad that Thorin didn't see the carts come crashing down, Evanna spilling out and just missing being stepped on by Smaug.

She had met the rest of them, helping pull the ropes to free the molten gold statue, a cut on her forehead.

Curses left her as Smaug fled towards Lake-town.

"Are you alright?"  Thorin called down to her.

"Do I look it?"  She growled, wiping the blood away.  "Bloody dragon."

Evanna had paced as they watched Smaug tear apart Lake-town, she was agitated, clearly wanting to do something.

Then Dwalin had watched her tense and turn around, her eyes going from furious to worried in seconds.

Thorin stood facing Erebor.

She looked at Dwalin and Dwalin's concern matched her own.

The first fight hadn't been much, Dwalin knew she was simply testing the waters.

"Of course I want to find the Arkenstone, I just don't see-"

"Keep looking then."

"Thorin, having everyone here-"

"Keep looking Evanna.  No one rests until it is found!"

Evanna had stared as Thorin began to rant, and when his back was turned, snuck from the room.

Dwalin found her leaning against the broken entrance to Erebor.

"Hey."  He said, coming up to her.

"Hey."  She replied quietly, her eyes distant.

Dwalin hesitated.  "Are you alright?"

She is silent for such a long time that Dwalin thought she hadn't heard.


"Do you remember that day Dwalin?"

Dwalin stared at her.

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