Nori ~ Locks

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You tilted your head as you cooked, pausing to listen.

The house was too quiet.

With three children, that never happened.

You sigh.  "Nori?"

There was a brief muttered curse before Nori walked through the door, grinning.  "Yes dear?"

You pointed the spoon you were holding at him.  "What are you doing?"

He looks at you innocently.  "Nothing."  Your eyes flash dangerously and he holds up his hands, grinning.  "Truly Y/N, would I lie to you?"

"Yes."  You said bluntly.  "You have before so nothing is going to stop you again.  Where are the children?"

Three little red headed dwarves peaked around the door frame, watching the two of you a little nervously, eyes wide.

"Er, I was getting them ready for a bath."


"It's true!"

"I swear-"

Nori quickly takes you in his arms, grinning and effectively stopping your on coming rant.  "My love, I know you work so hard, am I not allowed to help you out and make sure our little munchkins are ready for dinner and then bed?"

You purse your lips, still not entirely convinced.  "Fine, but I find you doing anything else with them, you know precisely where this spoon is going."

He laughs and kisses your cheek, quickly dashing from the room, the three little heads disappearing to follow.  You stand and watch the doorway for a moment, not satisfied until the laughter and noise of children filled the house again.

You go back to cooking.

Humming as you work now, you didn't quite realise that silence had fallen once again for some time.

That was until you placed the pot of stew on the table and go to call for them to come to dinner.

You frown, once again unsettled by the silence of the house, except this time, you didn't call out for Nori.

You crept, very silently, into the hallway, checking out cautiously.  Seeing it was clear, you followed to where you could hear the faint whispers, something you had been taught to keep an ear out for.

Rounding a corner, you weren't impressed by what you saw.

Nori was crouched in front of the door to your art room and was very quietly whispering instructions to your eldest, who had a set of lock picks in his hand.

You cleared your throat very loudly.

All of them jumped, turning to face you, your arms folded and yours eyes flashing angrily.

"Dinner is ready."  You clipped and the three children run quickly past you, leaving just you and Nori in the hall.

Nori was going as red as his here.  "Now, if you let me explain."

"I don't want to hear it."  You said hotly.  "We will deal with this after the children are in bed."

You turn away before he can respond and he follows sheepishly after you.

Dinner was almost ate in silence, the children not game enough to say a word or muck up at all, and anything Nori said was quickly cut off by a glare from you.

You put the children to bed, all of them apologising, but you saying it wasn't their fault.

Nori was left cleaning the kitchen and he turned with a frown when you walked back in.  "There's no need for that you know?"

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