Bard ~ Time

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Bard practically fell into the chair at the table, his hand rubbing his neck, the exhaustion clear in the lines under his eyes.

You came up quietly behind him, your fingers gently pushing his hand out of the way and carefully start to massage his neck.

Tipping his head back, he smiled warmly at you.  "Sorry I'm so late love."

You return his smile.  "Those bureaucrats giving you trouble again?"

"Always."  He huffed and took your hand, kissing it lightly.  "Are the children okay?"

"Tucked into bed, nice and warm."  You move around and join him at the table, taking your time to sit down because of your very round stomach.  "They wanted to wait for you, but I insisted that you would be here in the morning."

Bard chuckles.  "Of course they did."  He then gives you a warm, loving look.  "Shouldn't you be in bed to love."

You smiled.  "The bedroom is cold without you there.  I couldn't sleep."

He slips his coat off and gets to his feet, placing it around your shoulders as he peppers kisses into your hair.  "That better?"

You slip your arms into the sleeves and then tilt your head up so he can place a kiss on your lips.  "Much."

Bard continues to kiss you, his hands running warmly up and down your arms, and hum appreciatively against him.

"I love you."  You mumble against his lips.

"I love you too."  He smiles against you.  "And I love you even more in this coat."

You break into giggles and push him away.  "If I recall correctly, that's what got me in this situation in the first place."

Bard takes your hand and pulls you carefully to your feet so he can wrap his arms around you and rest his head against yours.  "I remember the night well.  You were cold and I was more than happy to offer my coat."

"Then all you wanted to do was get me out of it."

"If I recall, it actually stayed on."

You laugh and he joins you, pulling you closer, one hand resting protectively over your stomach as he kisses you deeply.

"Only a few days more and our family will be even bigger."  He said quietly to you.  "Are we ready for this?"

"I am if you are."  You beam at him.  "You have nothing to worry about Bard, your children are all perfect, I'm sure this one will be no different."

"Our children love."  Bard brushes your hair carefully back.  "Because you are as much a mother to them as they've ever had.  They couldn't be happier about having another brother or sister, just as they couldn't be happier about having you as a mother."

You keep smiling and hold your hand against his cheek, noting the dark lines under his eyes.  "Come love, you are tired and our child is kicking up a storm, we both need to rest."

"I'm not going to argue with that."  Bard entwines your hands and leads the way to your bedroom, where he made sure that you were all dressed and comfortably in bed before joining you, his arms wrapping tightly around you, a promise of protecting you and your unborn child.

The noises of the night quickly filled the room, but you found yourself unsettled, staring at the ceiling.


He mumbles and nuzzles into your shoulder.  "Yes love?"

"Am I ready to be a mother?"

He places a single kiss on your shoulder.  "You are an amazing mother."

"But for a newborn?  I-"

"Y/N."  He spoke softly, adjusting until he was looking down at you.  "You are an amazing mother, and our child is going to love you as much as the others already do."

You stared up at your husband, at the kind and loving gaze he always reserved for you, a complete faith and trust that made your heart melt and you felt the tears start in your eyes.

Bard's fingers gently moved and brushed the tears aside.  "Give it time love, we will be okay, I promise."

"And if it's not?"  You asked quietly, unable to stop the waver in your voice now.

"Then we will work through it together."  He promised.  "Just as we have been doing.  You have nothing to fear, I am here and I am not going anywhere."

He leans down and places a soft kiss on your lips and you give him a nervous smile.  "I'm sorry, this must seem foolish."

"Never."  He settles back down next you, holding you firmly against him, his breath blowing softly down your neck.  "Rest love, you need it."

You felt settled now and was just letting your eyes drift shut when there a soft knock on the door.

Bard groaned and got up, moving to the door, Tilda standing there, looking scared.  "Are you alright Tilda?"

Tilda looked at Bard with wide eyes.  "I had a bad dream..."

Bard smiles at her.  "Come on sweety."

Tilda rushes in the room and quickly crawls next to you in bed, snuggling into your side as you wrapped your arms around her.

"You have nothing to worry about honey."  You said softly, your fingers brushing into her hair.

Bard rejoins you, unable to help the smile on his face, lying down so that Tilda was safely between the two of you.  "Go back to sleep now Tilda."

Tilda was very careful of your stomach, but she did rest a hand on it briefly.  "Will my sister be here soon?"

You both chuckle and Bard kisses the top of Tilda's head.  "Just a few days and we'll find out if it's a brother or sister."

"It's a sister."  Tilda yawns and snuggles in.  "I know it is."

"And how do you know that?"  Bard asked quietly.

"Because I asked for one."  She replied and you and Bard both shared a look before Tilda's soft snores broke your silence.

You smile at him.  "Guess we better start preparing for another girl huh?"

He smiles proudly and pulls you both in closer.  "Looks like it."

"Well, at least we won't have to argue about a name."  You catch Bard's eye and he quickly understands even as you close your eyes, settling for the night.

"Thank you love.  I...I'm sure she would be honoured."  Bard said quietly, almost too quiet that you didn't hear it.

"I love you."  Were the final words you heard before finally and peacefully drifting into a comfortable sleep, ready for the road ahead.

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