Thorin ~ Battleborn 9

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Trusting Bard wasn't easy for Evanna, who strongly agreed with Dwalin about what they should do.

The others weren't having anything of it though, Balin talking their way through it.

Being shoved back into a barrel wasn't exactly to her liking either.

As was being covered in fish.

By the time they reached Bard's house, she was glad that Dwalin came up first, she would've been more likely to hit someone.

Now sitting in front of the fire, her mood was slightly improved, but not by much.

She watched Thorin out of the corner of her eye, discussing things over with Balin. She knew that her words had hurt, it had broken a part of her to say them, but they were the truth. She just wasn't entirely sure where they stood now.

Staring at the fire, she really did wonder how it had all gone so wrong.

There was little time to talk things over as weapons became the discussion, resorting to thievery. Evanna wasn't particularly proud of that part of her past, but for the sake of everyone, she gladly re-lived it now.

Kili falling down the stairs hadn't been in the plan.

If Thorin hadn't been next to her and stopped her, Evanna would have easily fought her way out of there, taking as many guards with her as possible.

She stood with her arms folded as Thorin talked to the townspeople, looking less than impressed as he bargained a way through it.

Her foot tapped under the table as the others drank and talked and ate, the mug in her hand of little comfort, her knuckles white.

"You've been awfully quiet lass." Balin said in a low voice so only she could hear.

Evanna sighed, she had the utmost respect for Balin, but she wasn't sure if he was the one she should be talking too.

"I'm fine." She said, her eyes drifting over to Thorin, who was equally as quiet as her.

Balin gives her a sad smile. "You know, you two are very similar in a lot of ways, both brooding over things instead of actually dealing with them."

Evanna purses her lips but says nothing, pretending to be very interested in her ale.

"And yet, you both express you care in different ways." Balin rests a hand on her shoulder. "He does understand Evanna, but I think words are becoming necessary."

"Well, the last time I did that, I screwed up royally." She growls. "I don't know if it's such a wise idea."

"You said those words out of anger and regret," Balin said and then gave her a knowing look when she went to argue. "Don't you think, now that you are calmer, that it would be a much better conversation?"

"No," She mumbled. "Because I tend to say things without thinking, remember?"

"Well then say it without thinking," Balin smiled warmly at her. "I'm sure both of you have thought about it long enough."

Evanna's response to that was finishing her mug of ale, signaling to Balin that the conversation was over.

She almost reached over to refill it, but then staring at it longer, she decided she didn't feel like drinking anymore.

She got to her feet and left the room, just letting her feet carry her.

Evanna ended up out on a balcony, staring at the Lonely Mountain and she lets out a weary sigh.

"We are almost there."

She wasn't surprised by Thorin's voice, but it did make her sigh again, resting against the railing on her elbows.

"Almost, but with a lot more danger to come." She said as he joined her, standing shoulder to shoulder.

"You didn't like what I said to the townspeople." He stated.

Evanna grimaces. "Was it that obvious?"

He smiled. "You are always obvious."

She snorts. "Well, I still stand by that you are too noble. Those people will turn us Thorin, as soon as something goes wrong."

"What would have me do?"

Evanna stared silently, thinking. "I don't know."

Surprising her, Thorin rests his hand and her arm. "I am doing the best I can Evanna."

"I know that." She looks around and meets his gaze. "I may disapprove, but I trust your decisions. I'll be buggered if I don't say it's got us out of some situations."

"And into ones." He said softly. "Which then you get us out of."

"Usually with swords or fists," She scoffed. "I hardly think-"

She was cut off by Thorin's fingers caressing her cheek and she felt her heart suddenly slam into her chest, more than it ever did in battle.

"But it works." He said softly. "And I have never judged you for it."

"Thorin..." She breathed, his gaze having wandered to her lips. "I...I..."

It was clear what his intention was and she would've been stupid to say she didn't want it, but then, images of dragon fire, of death, of people running and screaming.

"Wait." She said, pressing her fingers to his lips, his eyes meeting hers, confused. "We need to wait."

"Why?" He asked, clear in his voice that he was hurting.

"Because of that dragon, Thorin." She said, watching as he took her hand. "If I did this now, and then I lost you, I could never live with myself."

He entwined their hands, but his gaze softens. Her saying it was admission enough, her words were an acceptance of what happened in Mirkwood, and even now, she was trying to protect them both.

"I'm not sure I could live without you anyway," He said softly and then kissed her hand. "But I understand. After all this is over, I will make it up to you, I promise."

She smiled. "I have no doubt of it, and if you don't, I guess I'll just have to save a punch for you."

Thorin chuckled. "Just don't expect me to not fight back."

"Never." She then hugged him close

The two stood there for a long time, just holding each other, finally settling on a silent agreement between the two. They didn't noticed Dwalin watching, a smile on his face, finally convinced that the two were together.

He hadn't meant to eavesdrop, simply following out of curiosity when he saw them both leave, he'd more meant to make sure they didn't do anything stupid.

Dwalin sighs and leaves them be. All that had to be done now, was get back their mountain from a dragon. He figured though, that if could the two most stubborn people he knew together, then a dragon should be easy.

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