Thorin ~ Magic

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The Company had made an early camp that night, already exhausted from the longer march the day before.

So eager were they to get food going and make themselves comfortable, that none focused on their surroundings.

An orc approached, crouched low and climbing up above the rock that looked down over the Company. If he were to report back, orcs would upon them soon.

But a shriek went through the night, disturbing the Company's peace and making them draw their weapons.

The orc was already dead, an arrow having pierced its neck, long enough for it to scream and fall and gain their attention.

Gandalf crouched down to look at the arrow and sighs. "Kesia."

A woman stepped forward, a small, calm smile on her lips and a bow in her hand. She was tall, dressed in dark leather armour of green and brown, a heavy grey cloak thrown back across her shoulders. White gold hair was loosely pinned back, as if it was just an after thought, and vibrant green eyes observed them all before looking back at Gandalf.

"Sorry I'm late." She says, her voice quiet but held all their attentions, all of the dwarves staring, their guards down.

"Late?" Gandalf says, his expression disapproving. "Late would have been several hours, not several weeks. Where have you been Kesia?"

Kesia shrugs lightly. "Around." Her eyes once again look over the dwarves. "You hardly look like you've need me."

"That is not the point." Gandalf says angrily. "The point is, is that I asked you to be here."

"And here I am." She raises an eyebrow. "Honestly Gandalf, if I was anyone else would you be saying the same?"

For a moment, Gandalf stares at her, clearly still disapproving, but then sees all the others still staring, so he clears his throat.

"Well, everyone, this is Kesia. She'll be joining us."

This seemed to snap the dwarves out of the trance they were in and they all shared confused looks.

Thorin was the first to speak. "What do you mean she will be joining us?"

"I asked her-" Kesia snorts as Gandalf speaks. "To join us on this quest. She will be of little trouble, I'm sure." He gives her a very pointed look and she just rolls her eyes.

"I will not travel with an elf." Thorin growls.

"Elf?" She raises an eyebrow. "While that be true, it is only part true. I am only half elven, so besides knowing the language I have little else in common. Not to mention, I would be a little more grateful to the one who noticed the orc scout."

She walks over to the orc and pulls her arrow out, wiping the orc blood off and putting it back in her quiver.

"And yet you snuck up on is just as it did." Thorin watches her closely, folding his arms over his chest and bringing himself up to his full height.

Kesia observes this a smile tugs at her lips. "Honestly, if you think that this is intimidating-"

"Kesia, this is Thorin Oakenshield, the leader of our company." Gandalf cuts in quickly.

"A bit suspicious of those willing to help but not of those sneaking around camp. I suggest you sort out your priorities." She says it lightly enough but the inflection was there, Gandalf pinching the bridge of his nose as Thorin bristles.

"I will not be spoken down to."

"And nor shall I." Kesia looks at Gandalf. "Do you really expect me to put up with this?"

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