Bilbo ~ Storms

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Every hobbit in the Shire could feel the storm coming that night, so it wasn't unusual that we all shut up early for the evening, practically tasting the rain in the air.

The first rumble thunder sounded as Bilbo and I seated for dinner.

"Be the largest we have had in a while, I think."  Bilbo says, staring out the window, the flash of lightning distant still.

"We need the rain at least."  I placed his dinner in front of him and sat next to him.

He nods mutely and starts to tuck away at his meal, both of us enjoying a comfortable silence as we ate, the storm steadily rolling closer.

The first patters of rain hit the window.

I hummed as I washed our dishes, faintly hearing the scratching of Bilbo's quill as he wrote in the next room.

"Would you like some tea dear?"  I called as I finally dried my hands.

"Yes please."  He replied and I quickly put the kettle on.

I found him hunched over a piece of paper, rereading carefully what he had written.  "Is everything alright Bilbo?"

He looks up and greets me with a warm smile.  "Of course love.  I'm just writing to the King, by the time it reaches him it'll be his birthday."

I chuckle and shake my head.  "I'm sure all of Erebor wonders how a dwarven King and a hobbit can be friends still."

"Two hobbits dear, you mustn't forget yourself."  He said and puts his quill down, taking the tray of tea off me.

I smile,  a little sadly.  "Maybe so, but I was more of a hindrance than anything."

"And yet you still helped save their lives."  He puts the tea down and takes my hand, pulling me into his lap.  "I'm sure they would've been complaining for months otherwise."

I sigh and rest against him.  "Perhaps, but it is still you in contact with them, not me."

This had always hurt a little as you had felt you had made equal friends with dwarves as Bilbo had.

"Love, I write for both of us, you know that."

I kiss him on the nose.  "I know, but it doesn't quite feel the same."

"Trust me, they care."

We shared our tea and stayed up until Bilbo finished his letter.  We quickly settled in bed and fell asleep to the sounds of thunder and rain.

I was disturbed some time later, but what, I wasn't sure until I rolled over.

Bilbo's side of the bed was empty.

Quietly, I climbed out of bed and put on my gown, wrapping it tightly around me, the soft pitter of rain filling the silence.

I knew where he would be.

Stepping outside, I followed the path up to our roof, sure enough Bilbo was there, sitting cross legged, watching the storm retreat.

The ground was wet but I joined him.

"I'm sorry."  He said guiltily.  "I did not mean to wake you."

"That is alright."  I said softly.  "I know you like doing this."

We sat in silence for a moment, watching the distant flashes of light and the occasional roll of thunder still reaching us.

Bilbo takes my hand. "We should go on an adventure again."

I give him a smile.  "Bilbo, we almost lost our house last time."

He scrunches up his nose, making me giggle slightly.  "Stuff the house, wouldn't you rather live a little?"

"We did Bilbo, and if I remember, we complained for a lot of it."  I said, leaning into him.

He purses his lips.  "Maybe so, but was it not some of the best moments?"

This was true, technically Bilbo and I had only been  friends when we started the quest, but after some time, and a lot of nudging from more than a few of the dwarves, we had ended up as a couple.

Thorin had happily married us before we left Erebor.

"I would never deny that."  I said and then gave a small laugh.  "Even with Bofur's meddling."

"It wasn't just Bofur,"  Bilbo grunted.  "It was the whole lot of them."

"Bofur was the worst.  I'm pretty sure he serenaded us a few times."

"Usually with crass songs."

I laugh.  "I don't think I had ever seen your face so red before."

"And I don't think I'd heard you laugh so much."  He said with a cheeky smile.  "I had never taken you to be such a hobbit."

"Every lady hobbit has a good imagination, just because the men don't  ask."  I then laugh as Bilbo looks at me a little confused.  "Oh Bilbo."

His cheeks burned red.  "I cannot help it if I am more conservative than that."

"You are not in the bedroom."  I laugh and his face burns.

He pulls me close to him and kisses my head, shaking his head with a smile.  "You are a worry sometimes love."

I nestled into his arms, still smiling.  "That is why you love me."

"There are lots of reasons why I love you, such as your unusual ability to just seem to know where I am."

"Hmmm, certainly helped in Mirkwood."

"That it did."

Bilbo began drawing small circles along my back as we fell into a comfortable silence, the storm now no more than flashes of light in the distance.

"Maybe you are right."  I said quietly.  "It would be nice to see them all again."

"They'll probably ask why we haven't started a family yet."

I chuckle.  "Probably.  They'd probably try and give advice too."

"Then maybe I like your idea of staying."

I laugh again before a yawn cuts me off.

"We should head back inside before we catch a chill."  Bilbo said.

I nod against him.  "Probably."

He stands and helps me up and we walk hand in hand back inside.  We dry off and climb back into bed and I quickly hug myself close to him.

"We can go if you want Bilbo."  I mumble tiredly.  "I truly do wish to see all those oafs again."

Bilbo laughs into my hair.  "As do I love, but we'll plan in the morning alright?  We should get back to sleep."

"Okay."  My voice was barely audible though as I drifted into sleep, more content than I had been in a while, the thought of seeing our friends again making me dream happy dreams, and as Bilbo sighed next to me, I knew he felt the same.

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