Magic ~ Epilogue

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Kesia sat on the ice, drawing in deep breathes.

The battle was over. They'd won.

Thorin sat hard down next to her, the gash on his face still bleeding.

"You should get that looked at." She said glancing at him.

He grunts. "It'll be fine till I catch my breath."


She was cut off by a hard kiss, Thorin's grip tight on her. She doesn't complain, returning it with an equal fierceness.

It had been close, neither of them could deny that. It had taken a long time to plan it all out properly, but they both viewed that her foresight as a gift and had no intention of wasting it.

So they planned, talked things through heavily, with each other and others, and now they were her.

Kesia broke the kiss. "I'm glad you're alive Thorin."

"Me too." He growled. "And I'm also glad you are alright."

She gives a half smile. "Well, it's certainly an improvement in the other scenario."

He kisses her again but briefly. "Definitely."

She brushes her fingers over the wound, worry knitting her brow. "Let's go get it checked Thorin, I hardly want you dying of infection me."

He caught her hand. "Dwarves are tougher than that."

"I'm sure, but it would put my mind at ease."

Thorin went to complain but he was cut off as the others joined them, all cheering and celebrating until they too agreed with Kesia about his wound and practically dragged him off Ravenhill to go get cleaned up, much to his annoyance.

It didn't help that Kesia followed, laughing.

It took almost a week but soon everyone was tended to and on the mend.

Kesia barely left Thorin's side, even as he grumbled against receiving regular attention to the wound on his face.

You really shouldn't complain so much. She mumbled, listening to his steady heartbeat as they stretched out on the bed together.

Says you. You are not constantly being intruded on.

Well, I am, because I am here with you most of the time.

And it doesn't annoy you?

As long as you are getting better, no.

It was just a scratch.

Kesia snorts and snuggles in closer, Thorin's fingers trailing through her hair.

You know Gandalf does not approve.

That's his problem.

And there will much talk amongst the dwarven nobles.

That's their problem.


Kesia sighs but doesn't move from his chest. "What does it matter Thorin? As long as we are happy."

"I wish I shared your optimism."

She sat up to look at him, her green eyes concerned. "If you are that worried, I can go."

"No." He said, a slight frown creasing his forehead and he reached to brush his fingers along her cheek. "It would break me to see you go like that."

"Then we wil simply have to deal with it as each issue arises." She said softly before snuggling back into him. "Worrying about it will get us no where."

Thorin grunts in agreement and Kesia smiles against him, knowing the stubborn fool was still not convinced.

They settle into a comfortable silence, for once, both knowing that nothing had to be said.

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