Faramir ~ Fathers

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You sat, your shoulders slumping, and yawned, tired from the days scouting.

This was a rare opportunity out in the wilds, to have a moment to yourself.

Naturally it didn't last long.

Faramir entered the cave, giving you a courteous nod, one you returned.

You hadn't spent a lot of time around the young captain, but you knew each other well enough to make general chit chat.

"The roads all clear?"  He asked as he sat opposite, a slightly grim expression on his face.

You nod.  "It was all quiet today, just a cart taking food to the city."



He nods, relaxing a little more.  "Good.  Makes our job a lot easier."

You give a small smile.  "When was the last time you were home Captain?"

He shrugs.  "Probably just after Boromir left, so a few months."

You frowned.  "Your father does not mind?"

Something dark passes over Faramir's gaze.  "No."

You knew that look, so you did not press on.

He clears his throat.  "What about you?"

"Going on the second month now."  You said.  "Another two weeks and I'll be off home for a little before coming back."  A small smile crosses your lips.  "It'll be nice to have some home cooking again."

Faramir shares your smile.  "Your mother a good cook?"

You nod.  "She made sure we all could too, didn't ever want us to go hungry."

"Sounds like a smart woman."

"Most of the time."  You flinched, inwardly scalding yourself.

"Most of the time?"  Faramir looked at you curiously.

You sigh.  "I don't want to burden you with my own problems Captain."

Faramir shrugs.  "We have little else to do and I am always happy to listen."

You sigh. "I meant it as no disrespect to my mother, I love her dearly, it's more-"  You weren't really sure you should say anything.

"It won't go past here, I promise."  He said.  "But if you don't want to tell, that is fine too."

You looked at him for a moment and understood why some of the men questioned his captaincy, he was too genuine.  You had always argued that maybe it was something that was needed more.

"That look you gave before,"  You said carefully and he frowned slightly.  "When I asked about your father."

The look returns briefly.  "What about it?"

"I recognise it."  You hoped you weren't overstepping your bounds.  "That is the look of someone who is constantly overshadowed in favour for another."

Faramir stared at you, looking both annoyed and uncomfortable.

"I don't mean any offence by it."  You held up your hands in a slight surrender.  "I simply know it because it it passes my expression too."

"What do you mean?"  He asked, frowning.  "I hardly think-"

"Your father prefers your brother."  You said simply, not wanting to upset him further but putting it bluntly was the easiest way.  "I know because my father has always prefered my sister.  Marion this, Marion that.  Anything I do is always overlooked because Marion has already done it."

Faramir's frown slowly disappeared and then tension that had formed in his shoulders disappeared, his gaze softening on you.  "You know, you are the first person to ever notice it."

You smile grimly.  "It's my job to watch for things sir, if I didn't, I would hardly be here."

He laughs softly.  "Well, it's nice to know that someone understands.  My father has placed a lot of blame on me since my mother passed, he goes too far sometimes, but I just don't think he's ever figured out how to deal with it properly."

"Don't make excuses for him sir, they make-"



"Faramir.  We are on rest Y/N, no need for all the formalities."

You were a little surprised that he knew your name, but you continued.  "Well, Faramir, don't make excuses for him, they make their own choices, albeit, terrible ones, but they don't need your sympathy."

"I would hardly call it sympathy."  He said bitterly.  "More, understanding through loathing.  Boromir always hated it, but he understood why."

"At least your brother understands," Now it was your turn to be bitter.  "My sister can't put a fault wrong with our father, she pretty much tears me down as much as he does."

"What does she do?"  He asked quietly.

You shrug.  "I have not seen her since she married a nobleman in the higher reaches of the city, and I always tune out whenever my father starts to talk of her.  She could have eight children by now and lost all her looks for all I care."

Faramir laughs.  "Well, at least I am close with my brother, your sister sounds awful."

You smile.  "I am close enough with my mother and younger brother, I don't need the other two."

He nods and stretches out his legs.  "I'll agree with that.  You don't need them all to like you."

"We can still try though."  You said quietly.

Faramir sighs, an understanding passing between the two of you.  "Aye.  We can still try."  He digs around in his coat for something, pulling out two apples and tossing one to you.  "Here.  We probably won't get a hot meal tonight.  The watch has been tightened because we fear there's a group moving tonight, so, eat what you can."

"Thanks."  You said, taking a bite out of the apple.  "Will we be needed?"

"Depends if the rumours prove true."  He said, the grim look returning to his face.  "We'll know soon enough.  As usual, just take rest when you can."

You sigh, taking another bite and resting back, staring at the ceiling of the cave.  "You know, you should come back with me, you look like you could use a home cooked meal."

When he doesn't respond, you look back at him, to find him watching you with an odd expression, and it wasn't until you smile that he returns it.

"Only if you cook."  He said, starting to eat his own apple.

You snort.  "So my father can tell me how much better my sister is at it?  Sure."

"No," Faramir said, still smiling.  "So I can tell you how good it is and watch the expression on his face."

This took you back a little.  "I'm not sure even that will work."

He watches you, taking another bite.  "Hmm, maybe, but I'm sure your sister never brought home Captain of the Rangers, relieving Captain of the White Tower."

Heat floods your face but you can't help but grin.  "Well, if you think you can get my father to notice, it's a done deal."

Faramir nods.  "Good, then one day you can return the favour."

"I'm sure I'll be able to think of something."  You sighed, leaning back and closing your eyes, still smiling.  There was comfort in the air around you now, a connection having been started between the two of you, and you guessed that that was what had let you drift off into a comfortable sleep.

"I'm sure you will."  Faramir said softly, watching as you relaxed into sleep, the apple resting in your lap.  "Sleep well Y/N."  He rests back too, but only half doses, knowing you may both need to be up quickly.

He silently hoped that one day, neither of you would have to be.

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