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She watched the low laying fog roll across the ground for the night.  High up, she could make out the land before her even in the dark.  Drawing in a deep breath, she lets it out slowly, her breath showing in the air.

She frowns.  Something wasn't right.

That was when she spotted the first hooded figure.


Her heart hammered and she turned quickly only to find a sword already at her throat.

It was only because she wasn't instantly dead that she knew this was no ringwraith.

She stares at the ranger before her.

"A bit of an odd place to be wondering late at night."  He said carefully, his eyes taking in all the details he could see, from her worn armour to her battered bow on her back.

"I could say the same for you ranger."  She said coldly.  "If you don't mind."

Slowly, he lowers his sword.  "Who are you?"

"That is of no concern to you, what should be are the nazgul approaching."  As if on queue, a shriek went through the air.

"The hobbits!"  He cried and took off into the night without a further glance back at her.

She stood for a moment, she wanted to run and yet curiosity was burning in her.  Why would a man be out in the wilds with hobbits?  With ringwraiths on their tails no less?

Her curiosity won her over and she pushed forward.

At the top, the man was fighting the wraiths, but her gaze was drawn to something else.

A hobbit was on the ground, the others clearly could not see him, calling his name, and yet she could.

There was a dark power around the hobbit.

She slips around, away from the fighting, and kneels next to him.

"Hush."  She said, resting a hand over his, where the source of the power was coming from.  Slowly, she slips the ring from his finger.

Aragorn turns as the final nazgul flees and sees her sitting with Frodo, a hand still on his as the other holds the ring.

Their eyes meet.

Instantly, both step forward, swords drawn.

"Why is a ranger traveling with four hobbits and the ring of power?"  She snarls.

"How did you know that Frodo was there?  What dark magic is at work here?"  He returns.

"Answer me first ranger or I will show exactly what power I have."

Aragorn seems taken back by this, he frowns and his sword lowers slightly.  "We are heading to Rivendell."

This makes her lower her sword.  "Well, your friend is now wounded by a morgul blade.  He has maybe a week, at best."

"How did you see him?"  He asks, frowning.

"I see many things master ranger, including enough here to know that we are on the same side."  She returns to Frodo's side and slips the ring into his pocket.  "We both seek the destruction of the ring."


"I've been seeking it for many years, never believing it lost."  She picks up the morgul blade, turning it in her hands.  "I had hoped that Sauron would stay down until I found it, but apparently not.  The nine have been active for some time now."

Aragorn still does not know how to take this si he shakes his head, worrying for later.  "I am-"

"We have little time for that, the sooner we move your friend to Rivendell, the better."  She rests a hand over the wound in Frodo's shoulder and there was a momentary glow.  "That should help keep it at bay for a time.  Do not fear Frodo Baggins, the more you are afraid the more it will claim."

They watch her a little stunned as she returns to her feet and stands at the edge of the overlook.

"The nazgul have fled, we should use that to our advantage."

Aragorn just nods, a little slowly.  "Right, let us go."

After a few days, another arrived to take Frodo on ahead.  Once gone, this gave Aragorn time to observe her.

She never seemed to sleep, it was the first thing they all noticed, and yet she looked so weary and exhausted at times that they thought she would simply keel over.

But she just kept going.

Dark hair sat short, maybe enough to tie up if she bothered.  Her eyes were a dark brown, almost black, and often looked distant or sad.

Her leather armour and cloak were well worn, her bow well used, her sword clearly having been sharpened a few too many times.  One of her hands were bound in bandages and yet it didn't seem to limit her abilities at all.

He was wary, not because of all this, after all, he was hardly in much better condition most of the time, no, it was because she had not given a name.

Even once they reached Rivendell, she still gave nothing, moving off to explore Rivendell.

"I do not trust her."  Aragorn said to Elrond as they watch her from a balcony.  "There is some hidden magic at work."

"Indeed."  Elrond agrees.  "But you cannot deny that she helped.  I do not know what magic she used on Frodo but it slowed down the wound."

Aragorn frowns.  "Helpful or not, she refuses to give anything.  The fact that she knew what the ring was and that she could see Frodo should be enough reason..."  He sighs.  "There is something there I do not like."

"If she has been hunting to destroy the ring for many years, then there must be something there we can trust."  They both turn to find Gandalf watching her too.  "I say we giver a chance.  She has done little to suggest harm, she may have more knowledge than we know, something we would not discover if we chase her away."

"We were not suggesting that Gandalf,"  Elrond said even as Aragorn look less than impressed.  "But her refusal to give answers-"

"Has been no less than our own.  She does not trust us, but we must help her see reason."  Gandalf gives a small smile.  "If she is indeed a friend, we will need all we can."

"I still do not like it,"  Aragorn said.  "But I agree."

They went to move to go and talk to her but found her already there, an unusual blue glow fading around her.

She bows slightly.  "My apologies, I realise that I must have been less than welcoming.  It has...been a long time since I've had to interact like this."

They remain silent, waiting to see what she would say.

"I do...I have not answered with my name because, truth be told, I do not remember it."  She frowns for a moment.  "As I said, it has been a long time since I've had to interact like this and a name...became unnecessary."

Elrond frowns.  "How old are you exactly."

She is silent for a moment, her expression blank.  "I do not know."  She looks a little uncomfortable.  "There is much I do not know.  I have been wandering for a while and have...lost track of things."  She turns and seems to be looking at something next to her, a slight frown creasing her forehead, before she looks back at them.  "Call me Mist."

There is a stunned silence for a moment as the three share a look.

Gandalf spoke first.  "Well, we are pleased to meet you Mist.  I am sure we have much to discuss."

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