Thorin ~ Magic 9

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Kesia paced in frustration through the hall of Erebor. Between Thorin and her father, she wasn't sure who she was more worried about.

She felt the darkness capture Gandalf and felt him block her off completely. It had thrown her and almost caused her serious harm as it happened when they were running from Smaug, had Thorin not pulled her out of the way...

Thorin was a different story. She grit her teeth the more she thought of it, the madness seeping into his mind. She'd had to shut him off and she did not like it one bit.

And nor did he.

The first row had been the worst, none of them expecting it as anger roared out of the King.

Kesia had been more than numb at the end of it. Her emotions ran rampant and yet she felt none of it, storming away to sit alone.

And now war was on the doorstep and there was little she could do to prevent it.

Hesitating for a moment, she gently reaches out Thorin, only to find it as confused and tormented as it was when she'd shut him off, quickly retreating back.

She sighs and rubs her temples, a headache having plagued her for days.

There had to be something she could do.

But she really didn't know what.


Kesia jumped as he mothers voice entered her head. It was rare that she did this and it was usually only when something was wrong.

Mama? What is happening?

Your father is safe dear, but you must remain separate for a little while, it is not safe for you until he has recovered.

Is he alright?

Weak, but alive. I know you are worrying but I can stay no longer.


But she was gone. Kesia lets out an impatient huff of air and shoves her hair back.


"What?" She snapped without meaning to, turning to face poor Bilbo.

Bilbo stared at her for a moment as she froze and looked away nervously. "Are you alright?" He asked.

"I...I'm sorry Bilbo, I didn't mean to I am not." She sighs and sits down. "This is...difficult, in more ways than one. I've honestly never felt so sick in all my life, between Gandalf and Thorin I am at an absolute loss as to what to do."

He joins her on the floor. "You still cannot reach Gandalf?"

She shakes her head. "No. I did just hear from my mother telling me he is safe, but for my safety, must not talk to me." She looks at the floor miserably. "And I could really use his advice right now."

"Well, I figured that," Bilbo gave a kind smile. "That's why I came to find you."

Kesia gives a small laugh. "Ah Bilbo, Thorin and I really do not deserve your friendship."

"And yet I am your friend all the same." He said lightly before his expression turn a somber. "You are worried for Thorin."

Kesia nods. "But which of us isn't?"

"Kesia, you and Thorin have grown close, all of us see that, and we all know you can talk to each other in your minds," He gives her a knowing look as she looks at him stunned. "That's hardly a secret. I cannot begin to imagine how hard his...current state is on you."

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